Pregnant women are famous for their weird cravings (although I can't say I was one of them.. I just craved things I usually didn't). How about everyone else though? I've seen some pretty weird combos on people's plates in my lifetime and I've seen some down right nasty combos too lol. I'm a fairly plain eater I'd say, so I don't have much to add, but I'm curious if anyone else here does
I remember my classmate before, she started dipping her fries into her sundae while we were eating at McDonald's. I tried it too, and it tastes ok, but I didn't get "hooked" on it. Also, a few days ago, I tried bread that had cheese and condensed milk as filling, and it tasted good. Milk and cheese make a good combination.
I never really craved anything different, I just wanted lots of chocolate milk, cheese and fruit. But my sister, had some of the most odd and gross cravings I have ever seen on a persons plate. She would eat baked chicken with chocolate syrup, cookies with cottage cheese and stuff like that. She loved it, and we was looking at her like she was crazy
I don't have any weird cravings. The only thing I do strange is consume various snacks that don't go together necessarily. For instance, I enjoy eating Vienna sausages and peanuts together.
When I was younger, I went on this kick for a while where I would make a sandwich with peanut butter, jelly, bologna, crushed potato chips, and cheese. As crazy as it may sound, I will say, the peanut butter and bologna was an interesting combination - I can still practically taste it just thinking about it right now. I also loved eating the concentrated frozen orange juice right out of the can - whenever my mom would open one up to make a pitcher of juice, I would end up eating half of it before she could get to it.
I used to do that too! lol. I loved frozen orange juice. Must have been the massive amount of undiluted sugar LOL. I don't drink orange juice anymore because of that.. too much sugar, no nutrients left after processing. But I do remember how yummy the frozen stuff was, straight out of the can. I can't even begin to imagine your sandwiches though.. I'm... speechless
I've not experienced any weird cravings, but I do like some different combinations. For example, in the mornings, I like to mix peanut butter and maple syrup and spread it on my toast for breakfast. The maple srup gives it a really sweet taste. I also like to eat potato chips on my lunchmeat sandwiches. (Under the bread with the meat.) I honestly just really enjoy the crunch. I also like to put ranch dressing on my chicken and noodles. Ranch is one of those condiments that I think tastes great on just about anything. My best friend likes to dip pizza in ranch dressing. I don't care for it as well as she does. I think it is fun to experiment with different combinations. It doesn't hurt to try something new, does it?
I'm a diabetic. Something happens to me when my blood sugars start to drop. I get cravings for all kinds of stuff. Its not weird. Until you put them all together. Ill go in to the kitchen when i'm low and 2 different types of sandwiches, warm up left overs, eat straight peanut butter and jelly (no bread), have a bowl of cereal, and warm up a frozen burrito. Obviously i cant eat this much. So when my wife sees all the stuff i made and food left in the microwave, she always asks, "Your blood sugars went low again didn't they?"
The worst is when I get drunk and I'm watching cooking shows, I start coming up with all these "ideas" for recipes that seem amazing at the time, so I will make a huge mess in the kitchen trying them all out at once. Then I wake up the next morning, and of course think to myself, what in the hell was I thinking?! I guess another weird one is that I like raw bread dough. Whenever I make some of those croissant rolls out of a can, or biscuits, I will usually pinch off some of the dough and eat it raw. The cinnamon rolls in a can are the bomb for doing this.
Well, mines not as weird as the peanut butter and bologna and is quite common. I enjoy eating plain lays chips with vanilla ice cream. I don't know where I picked up this habit but I have been eating the combo for years and I love it. I used to dip my french fries in my sundae at McDonalds, but I stopped eating McDonalds about five years ago.