Whenever I have my friends come over at my place we tend to order more food that we can ever consume and sometimes it just spoils away on the fridge. So before the food becomes an utter stinky garbage I just let my dogs have a bite which most the time they completely obliterate, for example a left over pastas, or pizzas. I know it might not be healthy for my dogs but I'd rather have the food eaten rather than thrown away and be wasted. Do you do this with your leftovers?
It depends on what kind of food is left over. There are some foods which are not good for pets. Table salt for example in certain quantities can be bad for your pets. So if your leftovers have too much salt [in them] then you shouldn't give your dog or pet that food. However if you feed you dog leftovers once in a long while it won't be that bad. If you make it a habit however, you may end up spending a lot of money trying to nurse the pet back into good health.
I have 3 cats, so leftover food is something that I definitely do not feed them. Despite that, if I am eating dinner and there is something on my plate which they like the smell of, they may come over to me so I will offer them a tiny piece so they can taste what they can small. I don't think this should affect the cat in any way as they have a controlled balance of mainly dry biscuits and other little treats.
Like humans, cats need to eat healthy food and not a constant string of 'snack/junk' food. So if I am eating something healthy like a rice dish with some vegetables and the cat would like to try some; I share. But unless its the green peppers off my pizza, I rarely will give the cat something that would be hard for it to digest like pizza cheese. Their little tummies need all the help it can get; although the calcium in the cheese is probably good for their teeth. I think its good to have a steady diet of cat food and then if they get a few left overs every once in awhile its okay.
I will occasionally feed my dog some leftovers, but not all the time. He is relentless in coming up to me when I'm eating and asking for some, to the point that if I just give him dog food he will leave it until he's very hungry, so what I do now is I fill up his bowl with his dog food and then put a tiny amount of leftovers on top, that way he eats the whole thing up without complains
I always feed my cat leftover food, but sometimes he gets sick of it when I feed him the same thing for 4 or 5 consecutive days. I used to feed him Whiskas, but he got sick because of it, so now I strictly feed him table food.
I do and I don't feed my pets leftover food. My cat just wants to know what it is and when I try to feed it to him, there is a 80% chance that he won't even lick it, let alone eat it. My dog is different. He will eat almost any table scraps. I usually save everything I can for him and put it in the fridge until I'm ready to feed it to him. You really have to be careful feeding your pets table scraps though. They get used to it and then they do not want to eat their regular food. I suggest giving it to them sparingly to avoid that.
From my understanding, You're not suppose to feed a pure dog table scraps. I only feed my dog raw meat or pedigree wet dog food. If your dog is a mix breed, then they can handle table scraps. Pure breeds can't eat that.
You should know that anything that contains onion, garlic, lamb or pig is very unhealthy for both dogs and cats. I have a friend who is a vet and the number of people that accidentally poison their pets and make them sick is concerning. Until it was pointed out to me I had no idea. Onion and garlic causes liver damage over time, which can make them really sick. Lamb or pig causes pancreatitis because dogs and cats can't process the fat in these meats, which can also make them very sick.
Dogs that eat anything I have two full bred Rottweilers, one male and one female. Whenever I have leftover food, I give it to them to eat,and they eat it! they eat anything! even ice! and they are as healthy as an Athlete, so I have nothing to worry about when I feed them with the food I don't want or can't eat; Pizza, Chicken, Bones, Rice, Apples,Oranges, Bananas, they even eat snacks! they gobble down my leftover biscuits, and oats bar. I say, so long as your dog/s don't resent the food you give to them, and they hurriedly eat it, it's perfectly fine for them, just ensure that they drink lots of water and get exercise.
We did used to feed our dog leftovers every night and he seemed to turn out fine. Granted, our meals were always the healthy variety so that might have been helpful. Nowadays that we mostly only eat takeout, though, I don't think I'd be too comfortable feeding my dog anything other than dog food.
I'll only feed my dog leftovers when it's stuff like chicken, some lean meat or anything that won't be bad for him and will get him to eat his own food. I'll usually mix that with his dry dog food to have him eat, as he can be difficult when it comes to eating.
Huh? There's all kinds of lamb dog food out there. My friend has a dog who is allergic to beef, pork and chicken so she feeds her lamb with rice dog food. It definitely doesn't make her sick.
I have a cat so I occasionally feed it left over food. When I had two rabbits and we used to feed these with the peelings off the vegetables. My mum and dad have a dog and they actually put their plates on the floor for the dog to eat the leftovers from when they have eaten. This makes me feel sick.
I will give my dog some scraps as a treat but I try not to do it often. Joshposh is right, keep a good eye on what you're giving to your pets. Garlic and onions are bad for dog's digestive systems. They also should stay away from grapes and food with thin bones like chicken because they can swallow them and it can cause damage. I don't give my cat anything other than cat food because she's not interested in eating it.
I'll feed my dog with any meat leftovers we have and most healthy vegetables. As mentioned it's important to ensure that what you're feeding your pets is safe for them. My dog loves most vegetables, and many of them are great for your pets.
When I had three dogs they would eat almost anything. Thanksgivings became such a hassle, with them putting their heads on our laps and whimpering and begging so much that we finally caved in and just started making them their own plate of food each year up until they all passed away. For a treat once in a while, particularly when it was really hot out, we would put them all in the car, crank up the air conditioning and take them to Dairy Queen for some ice cream. We would get them each a cup of vanilla soft serve, and they loved it.