I have watched a lot of documentaries about the negative effects of GMO foods and corn additives and have been attempting to clean up my diet. Organic is the only way to insure that there are no GMO's but I am not enjoying the higher price tag. Some products are more than double the price (eggs, cheese) but of course you are paying for the quality. I do notice that organic foods taste way better and that I feel better when I eat organic so I will continue to pinch my disappearing Canadian pennies to ensure that my body receives cleaner sources of nutrition. Do you eat organic or does the price get in the way?
I buy organic whenever I can. I always pay for organic produce for any item that's on the USDA Dirty List. I am very concerned about GMO food products. A labeling measure was defeated last year. It was so disappointing. I don't buy any processed foods because it's hard to know if any GMO food items are in them.
I don't really buy organic, but I do buy my fruit and vegetables from street markets. Most of what is sold is from small scale producers, and they are more or less organic anyway. Here in Spain, all the pork and chicken is free range, so the meat is definitely better quality. I feel it's possible to have a realy healthy diet without relying on organic produce. It's more important to avoid processed foods, as there can be so many hidden dangers disguised therein.
I'm the same as Parker, I buy organic when I can. I always buy organic if it is discounted and I try to buy organic for 'dirty' foods like salad vegetables and fruits like apples and strawberries. I only buy organic meat, eggs etc when it is on sale.
We can't let cost get in the way. I can't even get over the fruits and veggies I'm seeing these days. The last time I bought fruit from the grocery store, was the first time in my life I'd seen an apple that was anything but bright, vivid white inside.. it was almost the colour of the skin. The oranges had an orange pith and the taste was like orange candy. It scares me that we're being forced to eat god knows what unless we go and pick it ourselves. It's getting harder and harder to stay clean. I grew up with fresh fruits and vegetables straight out of the garden.. what we have now is a complete disgrace and I'm terrified of what it's doing to the people eating it.
I try to grow my own veggies and stuff in the summer. It is hard at the store for me tho because I prefer to buy non organic, but now with the whole genetic thing I am starting to get concerned. Organic bothers me because of their fertilizer methods. It sometimes puts antibiotics and other stuff they give the animals into the soil. That is also why organic veggies are the ones that can be found to have ecoli when a break out happens. Not saying it happens a lot at all, but the possibility does exist and it has happen. When in season, I buy fruits and veggies at the local farmers stand. But in the cooler months I buy produce at the supermarket.
I think you pin pointed the problem with organic foods. They can be far more expensive then the alternative. To be honest I can't figure out why that is. After all no chemicals are used in processing these foods so why the high cost? I have to be honest that its because of the high cost and the fact that I am on a pretty strict budget that has prohibited me from eating organic foods. I know they are better for me, but unfortunately, I can't afford to buy them at this time.
I also try to buy organic every time that I go food shopping. I also bring a list to never forget to buy organic food since its now a big priority in my diet. I am trying to lead the healthiest lifestyle that I can so if it costs a bit extra to buy healthier choices then so be it. I wouldn't want to cheat my health in any way.
I definitely try to eat organic. As a rule of thumb I avoid anything that contains lab made ingredients. Call me a hippy, but I feel good about myself that way. While I avoid it, I don't really succeed, though I often drink beer which as organic as it is, sometimes has preservatives and junk.
I buy my food in as raw a state as possible. Then I cook it myself. This is the best way of making sure that I am not eating food that's laden with all kinds of additives. As to how organic my food is, it's very hard to say because I buy it from the local supermarket. I live on the 14th floor and there's no way of starting a vegetable garden.
Cost does get in the way. People will not buy organic if they can't afford it, it's as simple as that. I would love organic food to be more affordable because all those pesticides can't be good for the body. I imagine they cause serious problems in the long term.
Organic food is an excellent alternative. Gradually the consumption is becoming popular, but the costs are high. In my city, fortunately, I can get good organic vegetables and fruits. These products are harvested on plantations there around my city and the quality is very good. The taste of organic vegetables is unique and the difference from those products which have another origin is remarkable.
Food is very important. Nowadays food safety affairs turns into a world issue. Though we don't want to see, it's the real reality. Organic food costs high, but you pay for the quality. hope organic food to be more affordable.
Most of the veggies and fruits I buy are organic. I eat most of them raw, so I guess I have to go organic. I grow some of the stuff myself. My herbs, tomatoes, lettuces all come from my container garden. I wish I could grow all of the green stuff i eat.. I would do it if I had the space. Tbhat way I know what goes into my system. I have observed a positive change in my health after changing my diet.
I never really buy organic. If something organic happens to be on special offer then I might buy it but otherwise I do not bother. Basically, organic agriculture is not a sustainable solution in the long run. The yields it produces are simply too low to feed the number of people on Earth. Basically, we rely on artificial fertilisers and pesticides to keep us alive. Overall, it is simply not the answer. In addition, it causes animal welfare issues: organic farming rules do not allow animals to be given medicine or drugs of any sort even if they are ill. This means that some animals end up suffering needlessly so the farm can maintain its "organic" status.
I don't eat organic, or I may already be eating organic and I just don't know it yet. In our area we usually don't distinguish between organic and non organic foods, we just buy whatever is available. And I guess it also helps that we are close to the farms so we don't really have to worry as much when it comes to the quality. We trust our farmers very much.
No I do not, it is FAR too expensive in this country. Same reason why I don't shop at farmer's markets. If these people want more custom then they should lower their prices, why would I pay over $3 for an onion when I can buy one in a supermarket for $0.30?
Another thought. How do we know if the food is really organic? The trend of organic foods may have been taken advantage by some businesses.
I always try to eat organic because I know how much better the food is for you. Unfortionately I cant always afford organic food. I think that we should be fed the best of food no matter what. All of our food should be organic I cant believe we actually have a choice between pesticide food or healthy food. That's just crazy,