I do not like the taste of sports drinks so I do not buy them. I do not think that my kids need them either since they do have a lot of sugar in them. The only time I might drink on is after I have been sick with a stomach bug and cannot keep anything on my stomach. They have made me feel better after that. But they are expensive and water will be just fine after a work out.
Oh, no. The sugar content is too high. It is much better to drink water after a work out. If you are drinking fructose or corn syrup, you are undoing all of your hard work.
The horror stories I've heard of the side effects of sports drinks consumption deters me from making a habit of drinking it. I'm not sure if it's all hoax or not but i didn't bother getting to the bottom of it. I do indulge myself occasionally because let's face it, they do taste good, like the monsters drink. But i'm not so crazy about it, i can live without.
I don't drink sports drink. Sport drinks give you instant energy, however, in the long run sport drink damages your health. After a hard work, when I am tired, I drink fresh fruit juice or simply water. Water is the best drink for human body. If you need instant energy, drink honey water instead.
I have bought and consumed sports drinks over the years and find them to be very useful in recovering from a strenuous workout, especially when the temperature exceeds 80 degrees Fahrenheit. I consider a strenuous workout as exercising at a fairly vigorous pace for a period of at least 35 minutes in duration. For shorter or less intense workouts, water or a mixture of water and juice are sufficient to replenish the lost fluids but for the more strenuous workouts, I do drag a bit the following day if I do not consume a sports drink during or after the workout. As for cost, Powerade is priced reasonably and I have been able to pick up the 32 oz bottles for 70-80 cents/bottle when they are on sale.
I just drink some water or a protein shake to replenish my body. I will drink a sports drink after a real hard workout only because I know I lose a lot of electrolytes. It just feels so good to replenish my body. I just don't like the high price of the sports drinks.
I think personally I realy like water is enough for me and cheaer than these sport drinks and makes me full
I usually stick to just water so I don't have to spend money on sports drinks. People can workout without the need to spend on anything. Although sports drinks do have benefits, I suppose for me, I can do without them. I don't have to have them if they're not really needed.
I don't. I just drink water. I find cold water more refreshing than any sports or other drinks. But maybe that's just me. No matter how much I drink (sports drink or cokes or juices), I would be still thirsty unless I drink some fresh cold plain water. So I just skip the sports drink part and move directly to the plain water .
I'm the same as you ladies, water all the way for me. I personally hate the taste of energy drinks, so it's not really about saving money or being healthy. I guess it's a blessing in disguise because by not drinking them, I kill those 2 birds with one stone, so to speak
I love POWERADE Zero like StacyJe. I drink POWERADE Zero when I can afford it and when I can carry it home on the bus. It has lots of added B vitamins that aren't in my multi, so it complements my diet and tastes good.