I've actually tried both before. When I first started dieting, I was counting calories and lost a pretty good amount of weight over time. I tried counting carbs and lost weight faster but the weight loss started to slow over time. In all, I just think you gotta do what works better for you. I can do low carb to jump start my weight loss if I hit a plateau but in the long run, low calorie works better for me.
I keep track of everything, carbs, proteins, fats, total calories, fiber, ect. I know many people talk about how counting calories and keeping track is hard to do, but you should download an app called My Fitness Pal. It makes your life sooooo much easier!
My diet used to consist on counting calories, but now I am on and off the Dukan diet, which is a protein diet, so I no longer count calories but I also don’t eat carbs. At least on the weekends. It is a good diet because you don’t need to count calories or control your portions. However you can’t eat any carbs, so it gets boring pretty quickly. I cannot stand to eat meat and eggs anymore!!
I think its important to be health conscious but I don't usually count my carbs or calories intake, its really tedious and I love eating. I only watch what I eat during my pregnancies as advised by my doctor so that I won't have a hard time giving birth.
I agree, I love food to much to count everything that I intake. I don't really watch what I eat because I try to maintain a balanced diet. I don't diet because I don't feel the need to I am not stick thin but I don't want to be. I eat what I like and try to exercise my sins away
The real advantage to counting calories or carbs is that it makes you aware of the true impact of the foods that you are eating. It doesn't matter what the diet is or how much exercise you get if there are a few landmines that you don't know about. I think that counting is a worthwhile exercise while you are trying adjust your diet for a particular objective. This is often a time consuming and difficult process especially if one eats out, but the internet has made it possible to get the nutrition information on many popular menu items. Once you have learned what is in the food you eat, it will become second nature and you wont have to be as meticulous at counting. You will able to enjoy your favorite snack, but it may become a weekly rather than a daily ritual.