People that buy office supplies for the workplace often forget about left-handed people. I'm a lefty and always have a problem when I try to use Pens that smear fast or try to cut with a normal pair of scissors. If you ask me, every office should have at least one pen that doesn't smear. It should also have a pair of scissors for lefties, so they can cut paper without a problem. The company should also think about notebooks that don't have spirals in them, since those are a pain to use if you are left-handed. While many companies don't buy office supplies for their employees, some do. If you are one of those, please consider the left-handed people in your company! If you work at an office and know a lefty, help them out and ask if they need any special supplies. It would make their day! What do you think about left-handed people? Should they just adapt to the right-handed world we live in or do they deserve equal treatment?
Well I actually don't know many offices any more where cutting paper by hand is a regular thing any more (instead of using a paper cutter) nor do I know of much of an issue of just using a different set of pens. I do agree that it's quite important to remember those who are lefties and might benefit from other supplies! We have several lefties in our family.
Right handed people really do not understand that a left handed person must adjust to do some of the things taken for granted by right handed people. Two of my grandsons are left handed, the youngest one had trouble going down the stairs because we were training him to go down the stairs as a right handed person, it threw his balance off, when we realized the problem and let him hold onto the left side of the wall as he went down the stairs he had no problems.
I'll have you know as a leftie that using right handed scissors is TERRIBLE. Something about how we put our hands into them makes it impossible for us to get a cut, and we just end up crimping the paper before giving up. For the love of all that is good and holy just get scissors made for both hands if you have lefties in your office, it makes life a lot easier for everyone.
I'm left handed and nobody cares about that at work... But I'm used to doing things like cutting with scissors with my right hand. I have always done it, just because it's a nightmare to use them with your left hand. I don't think people should adapt to me being left handed... I'm fine doing everything right handed people do!
Left-handed people never are considered when office equipment is being bought. They must either learn to adapt and work with what's available. They'd be no point in buying something for lefties and it just happens that the lefty you bought something for leaves. Who'll use it then since there aren't many left-handed people in the world? By the way, I am left-handed but one could think I'm ambidextrous. Probably that's why I've never had any difficulties using anything designed to be used by right-handed people.
I'm left handed, but I do most stuff with my right hand. I did work for a company ( a Fortune 500 company) that did spend a small percentage on office supplies for left handed people, but they didn't work for me. Left handed scissors were very uncomfortable for me. It is still a challenge as a left handed person navigating a right handed world. But not as much as a "strong" left handed person.
It's saddening that most of the establishments don't care about the left-handed people. All of their facilities or most, to the point that lefties would have to wait for another lefties to finish, to be able to use the equipment or facilities designed for them, are designed for right handed. Most of the lefties, then would have to adjust their physiology just to be accommodated with the facilities designed for right-handed even if it would men discomfort and pain later on. I rarely see those that really care.
You are exactly right! I am a lefty and these are very real issues for us. We like to use nice writing pens too.. which is a moot point if all our pretty writing does is smear all over the place... AND you are so right about the spirals on the note books -- such a pain. You're forced to either use a huge margin or try to angle your hand in a painful way to write on the left side of the page. I never had an issue with scissors though, I can use right handed scissors with my left hand without much difficulty.