When someone is exhausted they are more likely to make unwise choices which would end up being quite costly. In fact not only would you be unwilling to spend more time at a store trying to find the cheapest items to buy, you might be tempted to buy anything you can grab fast, find out that you didn't buy everything you need when you get home and probably drive back to the nearest store . . . Go shopping only when you feel energized because you are more likely to focus on the task at hand. You'll make wise choices and save some money.
Great tip there. Being exhausted will also distract you from the important issues you might encounter. Another related tip I know is not going shopping for food while hungry, you tend to spend much more money on things that you won't necessarily need because all of them will seem tasty.
Yes, I always find that I make very bad shopping choices when I am tired, and this can often mean that I spend far too much money when I am supposed to be saving, which is a shame as I am so good most of the time. So I will usually do my shopping after I have been swimming, because I know that this is when I'm in the best mood, and when I am the least likely to make any silly choices.
Oh, when I'm bushed, the last thing on my mind is shopping anyway. I'm a huge fan of shopping and can almost always drum up some enthusiasm for it. But for as long as I'm tired, I have to shelf it. I think I'm one of those 'emotional shoppers' too, which wouldn't help at all LOL
Much as I would agree that this is very probably true and is an excellent tip too - I do think that many of these shopping related afflictions could easily be avoided - simply by being organized and keeping a list of all the items that are needed - preferably as soon as they start running low or are beginning to wear out. In fact as being organized and always going armed with a shopping list - is considered one of the best money saving tips for any kind of shopping expedition - as it doesn't take much effort to follow a shopping list - regardless of the circumstances or how you are feeling at the time - and it more importantly - saves time and money - as well as avoids duplicating items you already have and also the possibility of running out of anything prior to the next shopping trip - not only is it an aid at times such as the one mentioned here - but at all times - as it helps to avoid spending money on items that are either not needed or that can't be afforded.
I try not to do this as well. There are things I can push through with even when I'm exhausted but shopping isn't one of them. I don't mind the physical part but I don't like making decisions when I'm not clear headed and usually I just end up buying unnecessary items or miss out on necessary ones when I'm not in the right mood. Also I think it takes out the enjoyment of shopping which I value a lot since I am spending money and I prefer getting as much from the experience as possible.
Doing anything when you are already tired isn't really advisable, because like what they say, "haste makes waste" and that's so true. You certainly don't want to make mistakes in shopping that will make you waste money, right? That's why it's important to always have a list with you so that you will know what and what not to buy.
This is a good idea. There is nothing more I hate than to do things when I already feel exhausted. Then I become more tired because I would then have to deal with the sales people trying to push their products. No its not their fault and I know they are doing their job but still, when you try doing things while tired, you might be a bit cranky or do things you normally wouldn't do. I wonder how many strange things have been bought under being exhausted?
I believe in the title of this thread. When you are not feeling well, you tend to lose your focus. When I am tired, I would sit down in a restaurant and take a snack. When I am real hungry, I would eat a meal and take a little rest before doing my shopping. Especially when you are in a hurry, you are prone to making wrong decisions that's why I always take stock of myself before embarking on my bargain hunting.
I'd rather say that don't go shopping even if you are excited. I usually spend more money when I'm in happier mood. Normal mood is the best for shopping.