My dad recently used it and not only did it keep his scalp and hair healthy but it was like there was nothing in his hair at all when I patted his head. It allso gave off a pleasant smell. I use hair gel and its sticky and when I sweat it mixes with the gel and its just a mess. I am thinking of switching to this product. I just want to know if anybody uses it and how they like it. It is actually cheaper than hair gel and less is required. It is supposed to ward off dandruff and keep the skin on your head moisturized better also.
My barber always runs a bit of the cream through my hair after he is finished. It always gives it a refreshed feeling and a nice perfume. But I've never had it at home, so I might get some. Gives my hair a really nice shine too.
I don't think I've ever tried Brylcreem, but you need to be careful with some of them because some are wax based and a pain in the ass to wash out of your hair, while others are oil based and not as bad, and others are more of a glycerin based product. Also, try them out on a hot day because some of them will also start to "melt" in heat making your hair look greasy. I used to actually like some of the super firm holding gels, like StraightSexyHair brand HardUp Gel, because later in the day I could always "refresh" my hair with a little water, and it looked like I had just styled it. But if you are going for a softer more natural look, and not the wet look, something like Brylcreem might be a better choice.