Often, to get people to buy expensive products, retailers may offer discounts on said products. It could be 10% or 15% discount and though that lowers the price a little one could probably save more if they actually bought an alternative that is cheaper. When hunting for deals, let not discounts blind you. Find out first if you can find a cheaper alternative. Make it a habit and you'll save a lot of money each month.
Its a good idea to always go for windowshopping trips to look for alternative products to pricey ones in spite of discounts offered in the latter case. It follows that some of the discounts in these expensive products are preposterouss since the prices are usually inflated. Secondhand items in the latter is case is a good place start.
I almost always buy the cheapest option regardless of whether that's a brand that's on offer that I wouldn't usually buy, or a cheaper brand that's just cheaper all the time but not on offer. I prefer to save money where I can and items that are cheaper means that I'm able to save money for things like bills that need to be paid. I agree with @remnant that secondhand items can be a good place to start for many things. I was able to get a set of dining chairs from a secondhand store for £10 for 4 chairs. I'd have paid much more than that new.