I love my tablet, but if I had to choose between the two the desktop will win. I am way more productive with work and fun on the desktop. Plus, I like to play computer games and need the power of a desktop for those. I do love my tablet for reading though.
I like the tablet better because it's faster. I don't like the look of desktops it's so old. I would rather use a tablet because it doesn't overheat like a computer does. I don't play PC games, so I wouldn't need it for those. The portability of the laptop is nice, instead of a clunky desktop. The tablet doesn't use as much power as a desktop.
Tablets at this point really aren't meant to compete or be a replacement for a desktop. I love my iPad, but it can't do half of the things my Macbook Pro can. The storage factor alone is reason enough to not be able to replace a desktop or laptop with a tablet. In the future though we will have tablets as powerful as computers and that is going to be amazingly convenient and awesome. Until then I will stick with my Macbook Pro accompanied by my ipad.
There's far too many things I need done through the desktop over a tablet. Working for my CDD diploma, I need to have plenty of memory for things like AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit, and they take up plenty of space, so having a desktop really helps with keeping up to speed when I have those things.
Desktops will always be close to my heart. My desktop which I have lovingly called Mayee for no reason at all has been quite helpful with me. It has been my steady source of income since I earn online. I have been very happy with it. Tablets are just for portability reasons, some fun games and cool apps but it would never replace the desktop that I have in my home.
For me personally, I will always select a desktop (or in my case a laptop) because I don't see the use of a tablet. It doesn't really do anything different than a laptop, plus I hate the fingerprints that these tablets leave. Also, I don't feel like shelling out $200 on a device that I'm hardly going to use.
I still prefer desktops or laptops. I think they are very irreplaceable even if just for the reason that you can actually feel the keys on your fingertips. I don't know if one day in the future someone will be able to come up with an innovation that can combine all the best features of tablets and desktops to finally make desktops obsolete, but with my limited knowledge and imagination I would have to place my vote on my old fashioned monitor, mouse, and keyboard.
I think desktops and tablets meet different needs. I like having a desktop when I have to sit and type a long paper or when I am editing photos. For everyday browsing or just surfing the web, or reading an ebook, I prefer using my tablet. I like having both, but probably use my tablet much more than I use my desktop.
I very much prefer desktops, certainly over tablets but also over laptops. The screen size is so much bigger on my laptop. And the color is more accurate as well. I do a lot of typing when I am online, and a tablet is just not very easy to type with. I also do a lot of work in applications like Excel, which is not ideal to work with on a tablet either.
Once I build my home rig the Desktop will be better than any little tablet can handle. You can't even upgrade a tablet, so why bother?
Portability is a very big deal if you're constantly on the go. And a tablet is not necessarily more expensive than a desktop. The reason I have a tablet is because I can afford one, whereas right now I can't afford a desktop. As soon as I have the means, though, I will get one, because there are things that are much more easily done on a desktop than on a tablet.
I have two desktops and a laptop in my home office right now. I don't have a tablet yet but I have to have one soon! I think I will go for a pink iPad when I purchase one. I really love how portable they are and the lower functionality doesn't really bother me much for the kind of work I do online.
For more extensive work I will use my macbook. And with extensive work I mean site building, writing code or articles. For casual browsing or just checking my mail and facebook I will use my tablet. Perhaps when tablets are getting more mature I will switch, but for now I will do most of my work on a laptop.
We have desktop pc, laptop and netbook, but for me personally I also will stick with my old faithful desktop! I just feel more at home with it.
I don't know, but then again I also don't know why it has to be either/or. It's like people can't conceive of a world where you can have one or both and it isn't some odd form of sacrilage. Just because something is new or popular doesn't mean it'll kill off something older or more common. Cars versus motorcycles. Apartments versus houses. No one has ever suggested you could only have the one kind and not the other on the aforementioned. So why electronics.
I used to prefer desktops over tablets because of functionality. However, my career has taken a shift. Much of my work now will be on field. Thus, tablets would really be a great help. I could save all the price lists in my tablet so I could easily refer to them while talking to clients and prospects.
I was just asking myself what ways a tablet would replace my notebook apart from the weight? I would rather be stuck with my Dell Desktop and Acer Notebook...Old school uuh?
I'll go with desktops since their powerful. You can use apps that's not allowed or can't be installed on a tablet. But tablets are useful too especially when you're on the go. So in the end it depends on the situation and on what you're gonna use in it.
It depends on the user. If the user is going for travel many times then he should prefer tablet. But if he will only use it at home the desktop will be the best.
It depends on what I am doing. For the most part, I prefer my PC. As far as tablets go, I use a Kindle Fire to read websites and shop around/surf around, watch netflix, stuff like that. I haven't yet found a truly comfortable way to use one yet, either. The screens are not forgiving with angles of view, and you can really get uncomfortable reading off of one of those.