Deal on Coke at CVS

Discussion in Food & Drink started by H.C. Heartland • Oct 14, 2014.

  1. H.C. Heartland

    H.C. HeartlandActive Member

    May 8, 2014
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    Check your local ads to make sure the deal is the same in your area: If you buy 3 12 packs of Coke soda pop, you will get the CVS rewards back at a 5.00 value. This means that each pack of Coke regularly 3 for 9.00, will end up being 1.33 when you take off the 5.00 reward coupon that will print out on your receipt. This works for regular Coke or Coke zero. I put this post here because I was wondering if anyone has used their rewards immediately before? In the past I had gotten the coupon on my receipt and used it the 'next' time I went in and made a purchase. But the person who told me about this deal said they used their coupon immediately and it worked. Have you ever done it this way?