My husband brought home some pears last night, I asked him what kind of apples they were. They looked golden and lovely but Apple shaped. After dinner I cut a couple of those and they tasted like soft, sweet apples but smelled like pears.. My son was all confused.. he kept asking me why is this pear shaped like apple and tasting like one and you insist that it is a pear.. I had no answer to him.. nor did I have it in me to explain it could be genetically modified food. I wish they let nature be as it is. she knows best doesn't she?
I am not 100% sure but I think it may have been what we call an Asian pear and if so, they do grow that way naturally. We are not able to buy them very often and when they are available, they can be a bit pricey. They are really good to eat though!
That is very odd. My vote is that it's either an Asian Pear, as dissn_it has said, or it's modified! I find it more difficult to believe a pear modified that much would make it onto the shelf, but maybe it was a fluke?! Either way, I hope it doesn't happen to you again!
I agree with the Asian pear post. It was most likely what your husband brought home. Did you get a chance to ask him if he noticed what the fruits were labeled as at the grocery store? Did the pears look anything like the ones in the picture below?
You said he brought home pears, but you didn't say where he brought them from. If he got them at the store, the Asian pear theory might be accurate. However, if he got them from someone who grew them in their back yard, it's possible they were apples. Lemons grown in someone's yard seldom look like the ones in the supermarket. In fact I have some now that look like big yellow oranges.
He got them from the supermarket..all he remembers is that they were not picked up from the organic section...Pricey they were... But I am not sure If I will ever pick those up. I live in Asia and only the Chinese fruits which are in the GM food section look and feel so different. I do not want to be eating more GM foods that I should. Maybe they are what you call Asian pears what we call Chinese pears. @ emmy2points, Yup they looked a lot like those.. only much lighter in color.
I am right with you on the GM stuff, Maddie! I think food should be let alone lest it lose all the benefit of eating it. Did you at least enjoy eating the fruits, whatever they actually were?
It tasted good alright.. but i am so wary of the modified stuff. I like nature to be left alone to do its work.. it has been perfect for centuries and I don't think it needs any meddling from us.. I for one will never buy those pears again.
They do sound like an Asian pear - in Australia we call them a Nashi. They are delicious especially on a cheese platter with a glass of wine! They are usually a bit dearer here too so I only buy one or two as a treat.
It really does sound like they were Asian Pears or Asian Apples. They are a hybrid fruit. They are not genetically of yet. I really hate that the food supply is being infected (yes, infected) with GMO. They really need to be labeled. Whatever happened to "the customer is always right?" I have the right to know what it is that I'm eating.
Hybrid fruit of apple and pear. I often see them on supermarket, but never buy them. It may taste a bit strange.