I recently learned about a brand of coffee called Coffee Fool, and it can either be ordered from the Coffee Fool webpage, or from Amazon, which is where I buy it. They have both regular coffee (all kinds), and also sell flavored coffees. They have flavors that I have never heard of before, such as Chocolate Pumpkin Pie, which is absolutely delicious ! ! It is expensive coffee; but i have found that they also have some on closeout on Amazon whch is less than half-price of the regular price. Mostly, this is an add-on item, so when i am ordering anything on Amazon, then I look to see what flavors that Coffee Fool has on clearance, and order one or two. The coffee is rich and the flavors are incredible , so if you enjoy flavored coffee, this brand is definitely worth trying.
Sounds great! My preferred coffee is by a company called kicking horse coffee. They're absolutely fantastic. Thanks for sharing the deal!
I am going to check out Coffee Fool next time I am on Amazon, I bet the chocolate pumpkin pie flavor is amazing! I love coffee and the more unusual the better!
I will also have to check out Coffee Fool on Amazon, I have never heard of this brand. Often T.J. Max will have some interesting brands and flavors of coffee in the store when I visit. One christmas I received a spiced rum flavored coffee, the aroma when it was brewing was great.
I want to say that I'm going to check this place out, but... on the one hand, I don't want to because I adore coffee, and I mean adore with a capital adore, ok, Lol! On the other hand, I probably won't be able to resist. Ugh, I just got on my computer about 5 minutes ago, and already I have the urge to wander around the Internet! Thanks a lot Happy! (Maybe just going over to the coffee site right now for a few minutes won't hurt...)
I've not heard of this brand. Do they have more information available like where the beans come from? I'm a bit of an organic snob when it comes to coffee and I also prefer fair trade because I don't like to support businesses that are ripping people off.