Chocolate Treats

Discussion in Food & Drink started by Jasmine2015 • Jan 21, 2016.

  1. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Who knows indeed. But from my own experiences, I know what sheep other people can be when they are faced with something morally corrupt. Even if they want to speak up and say something, many won't because they want the approval of the group, unfortunately :(

    You can start a human far, but what types of foods would we get from them? I am not drinking anybody's breast milk because EWWWWWWW!!! Though the whipping sounds like fun with the humans ;) I know you are not judging, hun :) Even if you were, it would not be my issue :p LOL
  2. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Exactly lol, thank you.. it's not my problem what people eat, pray to, buy, sleep with etc, so my comments aren't judgements, they're just MY journey. I mean, we all judge to an extent, it's human nature, but in this case, I was conditioned to eat animals as well and I continued on until not even 2 years ago. Who would I be to call someone a murderer and go on some big rant about how awful they are for eating whatever they choose. Gawd I hate that. So I completely understand WHY people do it and why they won't stop.. my judgement comes in when people choose flavour over a living, breathing, innocent creature.. but my judgement is just based on that choice.. not the person. Like.. I think losing enough empathy for the moment someone makes that choice is awful, but I don't think they're an awful person.. you know? I make the same choice when I eat certain foods that contribute to human suffering.. I just do my very best to find alternatives. So I get why the choice is being made.. conditioning; as with everything else. You get used to something you were born into until you can hardly see separating from it as possible because mmmm bacon lol. Same with hitting children or.. really any decision that takes someone's power away from them, be it human or pig or child or spider. So yes, I judge.. but I know good people when I see them, regardless of their choices. I'm no saint lol, I would hate for someone to judge the whole of me based on one thing I do that they may not approve of. Too bad for them, but I also deserve better than that. I do like to go on, don't I? lol.

    PS: Humans are made of meat too lol.. that's what you'd get from them lol.. and milk is breast milk no matter the species lol, it's best to stick to your own kind for that, no? blech! haha We have an interesting future ahead of us Dreekster.. two murder factories with a non-intrusive products business standing between them.. oh and there's me rolling in a mound of lettuce while you shop till you drop. Whatcha buying, Murderer lmao ;)
  3. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Well you are entitled to your opinions based upon your experiences and observations. And even if you are judging, so what? It happens in life. There is this one lady who leads the medium circle that I go to fortnightly, and she is way too pushy and forceful with her vegan views. It can be annoying, and if anything she is making people turn away from the idea of becoming vegan, because every time they so much as think about it, they hear her annoying forceful voice lol. But it is not like you are still a good person once she learns you eat meat. She sees you as a bad person, and her energy towards you openly reflects that lmao. I would be a vegan if it were more simple, even though it does have its simplicities. The only 'meat' I like is fish, to be honest. Plus, when I et chicken and other meats I worry about the antibiotics that it has been shot up with, that will then go on to further fuck up my immune system and hormonal balance.

    No, I understand what you are saying. You have people being abused in order for us to have chocolate, and if everybody was to boycott those companies, those humans would not be getting abused anywhere, so I know what you mean.

    EWWWWW, I am not going to eat human meat, although I am sure that I have with all the Chinese takeaway that I have ordered over the years. They are always in the paper for people having found fingers in their rice and shit :/ I don't know, it just seems more acceptable to drink an animals milk than another woman's breast milk. Not that I drink milk at all these days, but it is the principle lol. My sister used to squirt breast milk at me for shits and giggles, and one time it got in my mouth.

    I still haven't forgiven her.
  4. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Lmao gross. But really, it shouldn't be.. breastmilk is breastmilk, meat is meat, but I get you.
    I know the vegan you're talking about and I'm always worried I come off that way if it ever comes up. But really, for the majority, I'll sound like that regardless, just for existing. I feel like the religious nut everyone is accusing of shoving my beliefs down their throats (it hasn't happened to me yet, but I see it all the time). From what I've seen, meat eaters bring up veganism more than the vegans do LOL and then call us pushy. When there are dead animals hanging in windows and animals in every single product whether it's needed or not, it's impossible to get away from.. but then someone says "no thank you, I don't eat animals" and they're all "stop pushing your veganism down my throat! Crazy vegan." lmao.

    Whether there is a vaaaast number of angry, bitter vegans out there or not, that sort of thing would happen anyway.. it's an insult to a way of life and one that has been around since forever. Just like the god thing. Just like the school thing. Just like the government thing. It's just the way it's always been. But I do know the woman you're talking about.. they're the loudest, so they seem to speak for us all. They're the reason I can't talk to you like I have in this thread without being seen as pushing my views, when I was just responding with my reality and my perspective on certain aspects.. just like with every other thread. Of course I would be extatic if someone read something I wrote and it clicked, but it's not my intention at all. And those angry vegans.. they may be frustrating, but try to keep in mind their perspective too. To them, others may as well be eating babies and I'm sure if that were the case, everyone would be just as angry. She should definitely consider what she's doing for her cause though. Some people do click with that, if they hadn't considered it before, but for the most part, it's just harmful and annoying.
  5. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    You are right, it shouldn't be. But that is where we have to question our programming. I am sure that a part of me is even more grossed out by the thought of drinking human breast milk, because society has conditioned us to see breasts as primary sex organs, when they are not. I have to say though, that breast milk is REALLY sweet. That is one thing to take away from that experience with my sister.

    LOL! I can genuinely tell you that you do not come off as that type of vegan. There are people like that in every 'cause' though. Sometimes the passion overtakes people. I understand where it comes from, but not everyone will bother to look into it like I would, and they will just switch off from the person and the cause, which causes more harm than good. Plus people are negatively oriented, and are already not on board with veganism, so when that type of lady confronts them about their meat eating ways, they will cling to that representation of veganism, which is a shame if you ask me. So many people have pre-conceived notions, that they are looking at new information through those filters, rather than just listening to the information from scratch for the first time. Again, I would like to convey to you that you do not come across as pushy to me. Not in the slightest. Speak as it comes into your mind, JosieP :)
  6. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Thanks Dreekster :) I didn't assume you would think of me that way.. as I said, I worry about it in general and even here with others reading, because I would hate to turn anyone away from it. Because whether we've been eating it for a gazillion years or not, nobody can deny we've evolved to a point we don't need it and any animals saved from that life and death is worth it. That's why, although I understand them, the angry vegans frustrate the hell out of me. They cause people to get defensive and use such accusing, disgusting words (murder, rape, flesh eating etc).. true or not, nobody is going to take you seriously when you're calling them a monster. Nobody is going to feel welcome in the conversation lol.

    Is that woman new to veganism maybe? I know most are angry at first. I was. Omg, I was angry lol, (but still I didn't put that on anyone). You know how you become enlightened and at first you're pissed at the knowledge you obtain and nobody else can see it? Or maybe it's just me lol. Well, imagine the anger in the baby eating scenario I mentioned above. Imagine how crazy you would go, seeing the masses ignoring or unable to see that these babies have feelings and they don't NEED to eat them. It's a horror story when you finally open your eyes.. so I try to be understanding of those who are in the anger phase. It will always be there once they've made the connection, but for most, they calm down. The forever angry ones are just here to make things more difficult lol, but have at it.. even science is on our side now and everything is going towards the meat free light in order to help our planet, our health and fiiiinally, the animals! It's an awesome thing all around.

    Hopefully I didn't turn any lurkers off with the baby comparison lmao.. you know what I mean though. Who doesn't look at a wee animal and want to cootchy coo it; they're very much like babies, even full grown, emiright? Babies, cats, dogs.. fill in the blank with a living thing you couldn't bring yourself to eat because aaaaaaaaaaw.. now watch a billion people eat it without flinching lol.
  7. Pat

    PatWell-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2012
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    I love chocolate covered peanut and raisins. It is hard to find them together, I often get a pox of each and mix them. ocolate covered coconut candy is also a favorite most anything chocolate is good for me but chocolate covered bacon is not very appealing to me.
  8. JessiFox

    JessiFoxActive Member

    Nov 29, 2012
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    I understand people like chocolate a lot and the sweet and salty mix can be nice, but I agree that sounds really disgusting. The bacon is more forgivable than the fries, in my opinion, though I wouldn't necessarily get excited about either. I'll stick with chocolate covered fruit ;).
  9. morgoodie

    morgoodieActive Member

    Jan 26, 2016
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    I have to agree that I am not on the bandwagon of putting chocolate on everything. French Fries??? No thank you. However, I would dunk my french fries in a vanilla shake. Chocolate on bacon? Once again no thank you. I love chocolate but I have a limit of how I eat it. I am not much for the sweet and salty snacks either. I want them to be either sweet or salty not both. I am weird in that way I guess but that is how I like it. Everyone has different tastes though so that is okay.
  10. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    You are welcome, hun :) I worry about the same thing when I talk about issues that I deem to be of importance. I have to watch that I don't come across aggressive, or as a know it all, so as not to threaten those who may not know as much on the issue. Otherwise all they see is your aggression and or arrogance and the message is completely lost :( I have enough sense to have learned that the message and the messenger are not always one in the same, at this point in my life though. I wish others thought similarly. But they won't as long as it is about who is 'wrong' and who is 'right' to them.

    It is like those crazy conspiracy theorists who claim conspiracy at the slightest change in the wind. Those are the ones that everybody refers to and looks at to represent critical thinkers as a whole, so I completely understand that frustration. With the veganism, people don't want to feel bad about themselves, and when you have an vegan who is aggressive in the delivery of their message, people feel like they are being guilted and told that they are bad or wrong., Then they get defensive and it is all over lol. The lady that I am referring to has been a vegan for as long as I have known her. I have known her since January last year, and she has not changed much in those views. She is extremely sensitive to energy though, and claims to be able to feel the pain, fear, and misery that animals go through, so the dire need to get people to stop exploiting animals is felt by her first-hand, which if it was you could understand her desire to react so strongly. You do learn, over time though, that you need to approach the cause with tact when it comes to people who are not informed about the topic.
  11. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Yep, exactly to all of the above. I knew you of all people would get it, no matter your side of the fence.

    As an empath, I totally get her feeling their suffering. I always have, but felt I was sacrificing myself and those animals for something I "needed". A necessary trade off so I wouldn't die lol. I jumped in and out of vegetarianism for so many years because of it and then the minute I ran across the studies that supported my hope for survival without it, I jumped off the train, ran straight past vegetarianism, went full on vegan and haven't looked back.. I was sooooo relieved lol.

    Yep.. it's just like all the other things we've enlightened ourselves with. It's angering, bang your head against the wall frustrating and sad.. but if you want others to be enlightened, you have to share that message with honey (bee friendly honey of course haha) and only if it's welcome. When it comes to veganism, it's gotten to the point that the angry ones have me cringing at the word. I don't like saying I'm vegan.. just like I don't like being called an atheist. I'm me.. I just so happen to share something in common with certain groups of people that like to band together. I think we know by know I'm not a bander lol.
  12. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    You think a lot like I do, JosieP. I love it :) And I love how despite our differences, we are still able to come together, because although that is a basic skill, many people are not capable of doing so. I feel the same way with being spiritual. I don't like labels as far as being called spiritual, because many spiritual manners of doing things/perceiving things are bullwinkle to me. I am me :)

    Yes, the lady is a medium, and an empath, and when she would eat products where animals were harmed to produce, she would feel the emotions that those animals would go through. Of course, people already think she is a cook because she claims to be able to feel the emotions of others and animals, so she already has that strike against her lol. Then she comes with her views on Veganism. I can understand her frustration, really I can. But as you said, you have to deliver the message with honey and only if it is welcome.
  13. isabbbela

    isabbbelaWell-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    I love chocolate, I love bacon and I love fries. But they don't go along with the chocolate, no way! I hope this is not a trend,but if it is I'm sure not going to be participating on the trend!
  14. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    And we are we :) Yes, I don't understand why people put walls up the way they do. When someone doesn't agree with their lifestyle or their beliefs, they throw up the wall and exclude someone that could be a great source of information or inspiration for them. Not just in whatever topic they may be disagreeing on, but.. absolutely anything! You never know who you're turning your back on. What kind of life is it to only be surrounded by people who see the world exactly as you do? What will you learn? People are absolutely hell bent on standing in place and even more so, living in the past because they see it as more pure or right for some reason lol. Even forward thinkers.. they just aren't as forward as they seem to think. I admit, it can be a struggle for me sometimes.. death is a big thing; especially when it comes to the innocent.. it's hard to accept and concentrate on progress despite the desperation and sadness that surrounds it, but we ALL have been in each other's shoes at one point. At least on some level. There is always something to bring us back to understanding.

    As long as the message is given in peace.. and never suggested as the only path. Gawd I hope that one path burns soon lol.
  15. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    I think there are different reasons, and sometimes all of them are active at once in any one person, making them impossible to talk to in any sort of pleasant way. Firstly, there is cognitive dissonance at work, secondly, the intention of many people these days is just to be right. They want to be right - that is the goal and the be all and end all. Even if what you say to them hits home, many times people won't give you the 'satisfaction' of allowing you to know that. But then they will go home and think about what you said. People will often disregard anything you have to say, as you have mentioned above, which is just so ignorant. In most extreme cases, people will kill others for believing in something different than themselves, which is just fucking ridiculous to me. You ask what one may learn by being surrounded by those who are just like themselves, but that question only works on the assumption that people are interested in learning. So many are not - they have lost their curiosity in people, the world, and themselves. People want the safety of stability. Nobody wants to put themselves out there for the possibility of having old beliefs displaced because that challenges that feeling of safety.
  16. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    You're absolutely right. I had specific types in mind when I said that.. those who call themselves learners or skeptics or open minded etc. The ones that preach learning, but in reality just want others to back up what they already know and believe. They're stuck and want to remain stuck unless it builds on what they already know. They just need to be right.. another way of saying "one path" and it boggles my mind how hypcritical they are when they too say they're fleeing that one path mentality lol. Learners that don't want to learn, gah! It's why I have a hard time discussing my thoughts online when I'm questioned, because it's clear, most of the time, that they've only looked into what builds their beliefs; when I come to my conclusions after picking apart all sides to the best of my ability. Libra, woop woop! I want to learn and I'm okay with hearing I'm wrong.. I WANT to know when I'm wrong.. but if you're coming at me, peacefully or not, with a couple pages from an entire library on the matter.. well, that's not very open minded of you. And you're going to discount my thoughts completely because I won't disregard the rest of the library too? lol. We all need to flip through the library.. see the world from every angle and realize there's a universe outside ourselves.
  17. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Oh I have had many-a run in with 'open-minded' skeptics, and those other templates of people that you have mentioned. Learners that don't want to learn are knowers who just want peer validation. YES to the bit that I bolded!!! The amount of times that I have had to clarify what I meant in stupidly simple detail, for people who only read into what I said in order to corroborate their already existing beliefs, when if they had simply read what I had said without reading into it how it could match their beliefs, what I had said would have been easily grasped!! I think there is also a hidden force working against people taking on new beliefs as truth. The law of attraction. We have to remember that if you believe something, the universe orchestrates things so that that beliefs are validated, hence the woman who feels and believes she is worthless and continuously attracts abusive men into her life to reflect back to her her current vibration/beliefs about herself. Like attracts like, so whatever our beliefs - that is what will gain momentum, and new information to the contrary of that momentum makes people feel uncomfortable. But it all comes down to how flexible minded you are willing to be, as far as how much of an impact that momentum will have on your experience.

    Being wrong has a stigma to it, and few realize that it is a part of growing and learning. Pride doesn't need to be a part oft he equation where 'wrong' is concerned, but so many make it the primary factor. People stay in abusive relationships because they don't want to appear to have been wrong about their partner, especially when their family had warned them about this partner before hand. Ok, so you were wrong. Let's go from here now, you know? But so few think this way, feeling like they are failures if they appear to be wrong. That ego is a dangerous thing when it is overactive.
  18. Briannagodess

    BriannagodessActive Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    I used to dip my fries in chocolate covered sundae back when it was made famous by my classmates. It doesn't taste amazing or anything, I just followed unto their footsteps. I don't know about bacon though, I haven't tried that one. Though we do have honey-glazed bacons here in my country.

    I think one that matches with chocolate is marshmallow! Yum! I love restaurants or buffets that have chocolate fountains and marshmallows. I always end my meal with that.
  19. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Another reason we homeschool. Being wrong is a tragedy in school. You're whole future is threatened when you're wrong. It threatens mental anguish, poor grades, angry parents, being left behind, falling through the cracks... unless you're always right. Then you're normal and smart. We're conditioned to think anything less than perfect is stupid, wrong, ill, an abomination.. is it any wonder the world is full of people refusing to move forward. That means trying.. that means possibly being wrong.. that means judgement and not being worthy. As adults, we can't afford that! Let the children go through it, but not us! lol
    As you've said.. mistakes are how we learn. They're one of the most important steps in all of our journeys and one of the very few things that actually propel us forward.
  20. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Yeah, I remember one time - I was in grade 3 or 4 - and I was in all of the top sets for all subjects. Then after one particular test, I must not have performed very well, and they moved me down one or two sets in Math. I kid you not, the entire day I felt like complete shit about myself. I had other students coming up to me asking if I was ok, because they knew it was a blow. School destroys self esteem, and you are reprimanded when you are not doing well. I have struggled with Math ever since. I remember another time we were supposed to be lining up because break time had just finished, and I must have been talking whilst in the line, and one of the teachers - and she was not even my teacher - said: 'Be quiet. No wonder why your grades are sliding down the pan.' It just felt very malicious and unwarranted, and being a sensitive empath, that did stuck with me the entire day, and I even told my dad about it. I felt very threatened and wrong when I was not performing to the standard that they had set for me, and the chastisement can really do a number on your self esteem, to where you don't want to venture out and try new things, for fear of looking like an idiot or failing.

    I am all for homeschooling. Nobody is going to give your kids the kind of care, nurture, or patience that you will. And you don't have to worry about teachers - who are just other human beings with lives, and issues, and personal challenges themselves - taking out their personal problems on your children with their little digs.