Checkout lines in the grocery stores.

Discussion in Food & Drink started by Lostvalleyguy • Apr 16, 2014.

  1. Lostvalleyguy

    LostvalleyguyActive Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Are you ever tempted to use the express line with a shopping cart full of food because it is empty and the others are full? Apparently this is a common practice in my neighbourhood and the grocery stores don't care. I consider this behavior obnoxious. I would also like to see the stores police it. While they may annoy the person with the big cart, doing nothing irritates a number of people who have only a few items. I am not counting items here and complaining that someone has 10 rather than the maximum of 8 - I am referring to the truly over limit shoppers. If the stores are going to have express lines open, make them express lines or move the cashier to one of the closed tills that isn't express.

    I tend to use the self checkouts where they are available and if I haven't a lot of items than don't have barcodes. They are almost always faster than waiting in line.

    Do you find express line abuse is rampant at your grocery store?
  2. Nickchick

    NickchickWell-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2013
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    I've rarely noticed that but it sounds pretty stupid. I understand why people would but if they used their head, they'd realize the ramifications of what they are doing. I mean if they start coming there with their over sized carts then other people will too. I guess most people never think it's possible for something to come back on them no matter how wrong what they are doing is though.
  3. klassiter

    klassiterActive Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    On a few occasions I have witnessed people getting in the express line with items over the limit and it is very annoying. I feel if stores are not going to abide by the item limits than they don't need to have them. I also think it is very rude when people knowingly abuse the express checkout lines. It is just courtesy to go to the appropriate line when checking out.
  4. AB91000

    AB91000Active Member

    Apr 3, 2014
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    Yes. I do this all the time.

    Nobody ever says anything about it. So, why not use it? Why would i wait a long line when there is one available with no one in it. I think the whole idea of express check out lines is stupid anyway because, the rule is not enforced at all.

    What does it matter anyway? A check-out line is a checkout line. It really should not matter how many items you have. That would make things run a lot smother.
  5. jneanz

    jneanzActive Member

    Apr 4, 2014
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    Sometimes it may be easy to let one person slide but I see the reason some stores should be strict. When the Albertson's in my area got self-checkout, the limit was something like 10 (excluding alcohol and tobacco sales because that would defeat the purpose of express checkout). However, people began checking out full carts of groceries and some even took unfair advantage. Though the latter wouldn't happen with a live checker, more stores are going this route to save their business.
  6. ohiotom76

    ohiotom76Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
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    Some jerks tied up the express lane recently when I was at Wal-Mart. Apparently they were Wal-Mart employees, and had stopped in to get their checks. I guess Wal-Mart will cash their employees checks for them if they choose to do so, because all three of these women in front of me were cashing their checks. What really pissed me off, is that Wal-Mart has a specific lane for people to do financial transactions (check cashing, western union, etc...) that was *right next* to the express lane we were in. However there was a long line, so apparently they didn't feel like waiting in it, so they tied up the express lane making the rest of us wait instead. I had to stand there and wait for nearly 15-20 minutes while the cashier, who seemed like he was new and inexperienced, had to count out every bit of money twice, then he had to get a new drawer of money, then they wanted to use part of their checks to buy a couple things... I was very close to throwing my stuff down and just leaving, which I have done in the past at other stores when the checkout lines are moving too slow.

    Express lines are for people in a hurry. If you've got a buggy filled to the brim with stuff, you are obviously not in a hurry. I would personally start talking out loud about the person, and how they don't belong in that line, to humiliate them in front of everyone else in line. Then perhaps also mention out loud that I plan to speak to a manager once I get checked out. If they are going to have the nerve to tie up a lane they aren't supposed to be in, then I have no problem embarrassing them either. At the very least, the cashier may refuse to ring them up.
  7. Miaka_M

    Miaka_MActive Member

    Oct 13, 2013
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    A lot of people in my area don't abuse the express lane ^.^' I use it once in a while when I have a couple items, but generally it is being used as it is supposed to. I enjoy using the sel-checkout because I know some cashiers take forever and they end up talking to their co-workers, whereas you can do it yourself and speed up the process.
  8. stacyje

    stacyjeActive Member

    Dec 15, 2013
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    I really hate going to a grocery store with waiting on long lines. I just turn around and walk out of the stores. It even complicated to use the self check out section.I just hate long line at gas station or any store. I think that if store like Walmart which is a place where families shop daily all time.
  9. CrystalMarie

    CrystalMarieActive Member

    May 8, 2014
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    I agree. It seems as though people do not care to be considerate to other shoppers. I do not mind if there are many express checkouts open. I do mind if the store is extremely busy and they take their time. At most stores that I shop at, they have someone looking over the express areas but I am not sure they enforce a limit to the amount of items someone can have to utilized it.
  10. forextraspecialstuff

    forextraspecialstuffActive Member

    May 13, 2014
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    Yes I see it all the time, not just one or two items over, but a full cart in a 10 item limit line, and it honestly makes me uncomfortable and embarrassed for the rudeness of the offenders. I am a stickler for rules and seeing people blatantly break them makes my blood boil. I wish stores would say something but I understand they don't want to upset the customers, they're really stuck.
  11. LindaKay

    LindaKayActive Member

    Apr 15, 2013
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    Most of the stores in my area don't have self checkouts. I think I would use them if they did, but who knows. Anyway, I never go through express if I have a cart full of groceries. I might not always count and could be an item or two over, but other than that, I generally follow the rules. I do hate waiting in line at the grocery store, though. Ugh.