Electric cars run on electricity so they will be an obvious choice to save money. The problem is the reliable ones and that look like a real car are super-expensive and most people cannot afford them. For when an electric real car that we can afford? Soon enough?
The problem with electric cars is that they really ran out of power in a few miles and take a lot of time to fully charge. This makes them not to be practical in any sense. There are other cars that are called Hybrids, they have a petrol engine and electric motor. It utilizes both concepts thus saves money on fuel and can go for many miles.
I know about hybrids, it's a fascinating concept, you just spend gas on speeds more or less above 50km/h right? But having two engines really makes me wonder if they will not have many problems that will cost me as well. You're right about electric, even though 300 miles per charge more or less is not that bad.
Partially electric cars are a good idea for saving money. Nonetheless, fracking has driven down the price of gasoline in North America to the point where hybrids probably don't seem as much of a good choice as they did in the past. However, that's a shame cause we really need to cut down on oil - simply cause it's a non-renewable resource and also due to the pollution factor.
I was in Hongkong 2 weeks ago. The hotel we booked in had a charging area for the Tesla electric cars. The hotel concierge said that electric cars in Hongkong are pretty new but very encouraging because according to electric car owners, it is cheaper in fuel compared to gasoline. An added benefit is the cleaner air because electric cars have zero emission which means no pollution at all. But the downside is the charging because it takes an overnight charging for a whole day's use.
Can these electric cars go for long kilometers? I've heard there's a limit. There are solar powered cars, as well. You can charge during the day, you don't have to plug it.
@Trixen Solar would be the best way. Otherwise, you're not really helping the environment cause a lot of power plants also burn fossil fuels. Anyhow, oil companies would definitely want to keep solar cars out of the picture - unless they could profit from them.