I'm looking for some suggestions on which Smart Watch to buy. I have been been keeping my eye out on the Pebble but I read that as of right now Pebble only notifies you on SMS messages only for texts and not other texting platforms such as Whatsapp. Is this true for anyone who owns a Pebble? The new Samsung Smart Watch seems good as well but I will have to wait for more user reviews to come out first before I dive in head first and purchase one. It is tempting though since I own a Samsung S4 so pairing the two is certainly a plus. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated!
I'm sorry but isn't owning a smart watch already unnecessary? I mean, how much time would you save looking in your smartwatch instead of your phone? Couple of seconds perhaps? Also, I don't think that there are a lot of choices when it comes to smart watches either. So it is either you not buying one or wait until there would be more choices. Good luck mate.
I have a question, will a smartwatch make you look smart? I think not. iWatch? Samsung Galaxy Gear? Hmm, I'd pass on those two. You would look a lot smarter if you use this: Rather than this:
Lindbergh does make a good point, but obviously, the thread starter has money to spare to buy one, so I guess he would appreciate it more if people would indeed suggest some good brands and not criticize why it's unnecessary to buy one, lol. Because if I had lots of money to spare, I'd probably buy one too, just for the heck it, lol. Anyway, you can always just google product reviews in general to help you decide which smart watch you want to buy.
If you really can't wait the best one you can buy is the Pebble, but it's far from perfect and there are rumors about a Pebble 2 coming in the (near?) future. The Galaxy Gear is ridiculously bad: buggy apps, terrible battery life and expensive. I wouldn't even take it into consideration, if you want to know more about its awfulness just search for "galaxy gear review". The best thing you can do now is wait for new models. Smartwatches are a young technology and still require a lot of tuning and improvements to be useful.