I have deleted the google chrome browsing history and want to get it back but it seems to me it is not possible because some of my friends told me that it is not possible to get back deleted history of Google Chrome..What will you say? Is there any way then must tell me about it?
I don't know if this will help but if you use Windows you could attempt restoring your computer settings to an earlier date when you hadn't cleared your browsing history. I'm certain that if you do, since Windows takes a snapshot of your system and restores everything to what it previously was you'll get back everything you want.
Once you delete it, it's gone. Otherwise, every crazy jealous wife would be able to under her husband's history deletions. That being said, if you use Google, you could search in your Google search history instead. It won't tell you everything that you visited within Chrome, but it'll tell you what you did in Google.
Denis Hard! Once I try it but failed. Would you like to the complete procedure to restore the computer settings? I am looking for more replies to sort out this problem!!
I don't think you can at this point. I don't know exactly how Chrome handles its history, but more than likely it's stored somewhere on your computer as a single file. Once you delete the history that file will then be overwritten and replaced with one that has absolutely nothing on it, and is constantly updated every time you visit a new website. It's probably gone for good. I know Chrome can share its history between multiple devices, assuming you have it linked to another computer, or a phone, or an iPad, or whatever, but I have no idea if deleting the history on one wipes it from the rest. Regardless, I think you're probably out of luck here.
You obviously cannot restore deleted history in Chrome or any other browser. Once it's gone, then it's gone from that machine for good. I'm sure a computer forensics person might have a solution, but most of us aren't that skilled with computers. When you hit the delete button and the deletion process finishes, then you're out of luck. It's as simple as that, so I'd avoid deleting your history unless it's absolutely necessary or you know that you don't need a given website or URL or whatever.
Actually, with a bit more research - which I should have done in the first place, derp - it looks like there are ways of bringing your internet history back, though at this point, especially if the system restore didn't work, you'll probably have to do some digging through your directories. I don't think you'll ever get a neat, easy page with your complete history anymore, either. Still,Log In, and see if its options work for you.
If you are using Google Chrome and signed into your Gmail account while browsing, there's a possibility your Google account still has your browsing history logged, even if you emptied out your temporary internet files. Most people don't know this but Google keeps a log of all your searches and browsing activity associated with your Google account, aside from your temporary internet files. You can find these settings at:Log In. I have all of mine paused. They recently consolidated all their privacy and account settings under one section now, so it's worth taking some time to review them if you've never touched these before.
I don't think you can do that although I think Google Chrome has a feature where you can download your data on another computer because every time I upgrade my computer, when I log in to my Google Chrome account it brings it all back. I'm not sure if it works with browsing history, probably not. You can try using System Restore and restore your computer to a certain point in time but I'm not so sure if it's going to work since it depends on how much data is stored in the restore point you created.