Yesterday, my fiancee bought us a coffee: one regular double-double for me and one decaffeinated coffee for her. The only coffee that gives me heartburn is decaf because, I assume, all of the chemicals. I haven't researched, but which one is the healthier alternative? Regular or decaf? From personal experience, it seems decaf is worse.
There's something about decaffeinated coffee that seems unnatural to me, kind of like sugar substitutes. However, if you're one who likes to drink coffee late at night and/or mixed with alcohol, decaf is probably the way to go if you ever want to get to sleep.
Caffeine is a good anti-oxidant, so i don't think it's nice to remove it from coffee. and besides, I personally dont believe that coffee will keep me awake at night, because I actually cant sleep at night without a dose of coffee. Its part of my nightly routine.
I drink coffee because of the caffine because I only drink it in the morning hours. I would think that it is better to drink the regular coffee as long as it is in moderation and not loaded with creams and sugars. I think once you add cream and sugar, neither option is really all that healthy.
Coffee in moderation is supposed to be good for you. At least that's what I've heard. I only drink decaf if its late at night, and I get a coffee craving. Otherwise I don't really think decaf tastes very good. I notice a difference.
Some people just respond to caffeine in weird ways and need decaf. I drink coffee for the pick me up feeling I get and wouldn't drink decaf for the flavor. I know that caffeine in high doses can be bad for you and can lead to some health problems down the road. I think both are bad for you. Stick to water if you want to be safe!
I drink coffee at anytime of the day or night, it doesn't bother me any as far as sleeping goes. I especially like coffee in the cold weather.
Personally, I think caffeine is only terrible if you drink too much of it. If you want to have a cup of coffee or maybe two in a day, that's fine, but six or seven (my husband does this) is way too much caffeine.
I haven't heard of any effects that one causes over the other, except for the effects of the caffeine. I would think that the caffeinated one is more healthier because it is more natural. Some caffeine is actually good for the body.
I like my regular coffee however it can be hard on my stomach at times. If I'm feeling lousy, I'll have some decaf or have some water. However the regular coffee helps me stay awake all the way through the day and past the 2:00p afternoon slump.
I wonder if any health concerns should be more in regard to the 'double double' than over the 'decaf vs regular.' I cut out cream and sugar in coffee as a part of my attempt to clean up the diet. But I do try to stay away from black coffee at night unless I want to stay awake. I find it does tend to work at keeping me awake. Oh yeah I also find I enjoy regular coffee more than the decaf. Ryder13
About the sugar part of the double-double, research indicates that a diet high in added sugar reduces the production of a brain chemical known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Without BDNF, our brains can’t form new memories and we can’t learn (or remember) much of anything. Levels of BDNF are particularly low in people with an impaired glucose metabolism–diabetics and pre-diabetics–and as the amount of BDNF decreases, sugar metabolism worsens. And for the creamer part of it, you can develop unpleasant conditions if you intake too much artificial creamers. You may experience abdominal bloating, for example. Not to mention too much cholesterol in some brands..
My black coffee and black tea is a better choice than I suspected, it seems. And actually it was a pretty easy one for me to make. I had been a black coffee guy years back and somehow ended up taking the double double variety. And recently got told to clean up my diet flaws. I guess this small and simple step was a good move. Ryder13
That's terrible news for me jayjacinto because there is no way I can get through the day without my cream/sugar coffee. I start in the morning with two cups and finish with one or two more after 4:00 p.m when I need that extra boost to go to my second job. I'm convinced that it is not just the caffeine that is energizing me, but also the sugar. I know it's a lot, but I'm a crazy addict at this point because I've been doing it for many more years than I want to mention. I'm convinced that I would lose 20 lbs too if I did cut out the sugar, but this still isn't enough motivation.
Same here. I am a heavy double double coffee drinker myself, although I am aware of the negatives, I can't figure out an alternative way to make the coffee taste to my liking without the sugar and creamer. Sweeteners are way expensive, and it doesn't recreate the taste like sugar does. Can we call it coffee addiction?
Decaffeinated coffee is much worse because heavy processing is required to remove the caffeine and harsh chemicals are used. Coffee is actually quite good for you, there have been many studies showing the health benefits of coffee. It's fine, so long as you don't drink it excessively.
I love both and I always mix both together so it won't make me all jittery. But love it with creamer and honey. To me that is the best taste that you can get when it comes to drinking coffee. I don't know what other people drink in there coffee but try it with but try it this way and you won't have to worry about getting the flu as often or at all.
I see no difference whenever I consume both variants. Which is good because I'm not limited to drinking just one type of coffee right? But I seldom consume the decaf type, I mostly consume the regular coffee.