All stores price what they sell at differently. You can save some decent money if you were to buy certain items from one store and the others which are cheaper in another store. But hopping from store to store can be a hassle. The better way to go about it and still not miss out on great deals is by planning your spending so you can buy items which are cheaper in one store one week and the next week you'll go to the other store that sells the items you didn't buy, at lower prices. It's better than burning more gas driving to another store . . .
I think that's where online store websites come in. They will just post the prices of their products and we consumers will just compare it with how the other stores price their products. Driving to and from varying stores will be quite a hassle if you're just looking to compare prices.
I try to grocery shop at different grocery stores throughout the month, in order to get a variety of good deals. There are certain items that I usually purchase at each store, due to the quality of selection and sale prices. Sometimes if I feel like one of the stores is too overpriced, I try to stay out of there at all costs.
I tend to make mental notes of what particular items are cheap in specific stores compared to others. For example, I've found that one of our boutique grocery stores sells potato chips at almost 50 cents cheaper which doesn't sound like a lot but if I buy two then that's already a dollar saved. Since all stores are of similar distance to my house it isn't much of a sacrifice either so it just makes sense that I buy my potato chips from there of I can help it. The only downside is that it closes down a bit earlier than the big chain groceries so if I'm craving then I'd have to plan ahead.