There are tons of great deals out there for used cars. Depending on your budget, you can spend a lot or a little and have a great car. Craigslist is a good place to search for a used car. The car we have now, we found on Craigslist. It had only 30,000 miles on it and had been garage parked since new in '95. It has been a great little car. We could afford to pay cash for this one. Also, being used and paid for, we only need to cover it with liability, which is way cheaper than full insurance. We may spend more for our next one. But we will still get used. It's just a better way to go.
Where I live, right now is not a great time to sell used cars. Because the economy is down, selling your car is very hard. I have been trying to sell my car for a couple of months with no success. I have been trying to reduce the price little by little and I have to reduce more. I will have to buy a used car because of that, and I will have to buy one that is less than I wanted to because I will have less money than I thought from my car.
Used cars are an awesome way to save money. Nonetheless, people aren't always interested in saving money. Instead, they might just enjoy the prestige and advantage of a car guaranteed to have no problems due to past usage. Anyway, I think it ultimately depends on your budget and what you value. Myself, at least when it comes to computers, prefer new stuff. It's because, unlike cars, computers are more of a passion with me. I find them vastly more useful and interesting.
While buying used cars is a great way to save money there are many problems with buying one and maintaining one. For starters you have to know who you are buying from considering the fact that many auto dealers and private sellers out there may try and rip you off. Secondly there are also problems when you buy a used car usually that are not included on the dealer or private seller's report so you have to spend lots of many maintaining it depending on how bad the condition is of the car. Lastly it is really hard to find good cars that are used and ones that do not have a lot of problems with them. While used cars can be great there can be a lot of problems with buying them and is why you should be cautious of buying one.
Buying anything is always a risk, which may or may not be worth it (often ends up being a matter of luck ). But I prefer to avoid and buy everything new, even though I have to spend a lot of time to save all the necessary money.