Is there any methods to removing bruises? Or even to make them go away faster? I was hoping for a natural and cheaper method. But all suggestions would be appreciated.
Aloe is the only thing I can think of. You can either get it bottled in the drug store for fairly cheap, or you can buy a plant and cut the leaves open.
Arnica cream is supposed to help heal bruises. I'm not sure exactly how effective it is but my mother (who bruises like a peach) uses it regularly and thinks it helps. You can get it at most health food stores.
Well you could try using a foundation type coverage to cover the bruise if you want. As for healing it quickly there are methods that can be done. One is to apply an ice pack to the bruise. I can also recommend Aloe vera as a good way to heal a bruise. To me this is one of the best antiseptics on the market and its from a cactus plant. I have been using Aloe for use or abrasions and bruises, it really works quite effectively.
Removing or making them go away faster might not be possible, but you can always hide them until they heal.
I didn't know that there can be other ways of removing bruises. All along I thought that you have no choice but to cover it with a concealer or just let it heal naturally. After all, after 1 week, the bruise marks will be gone already, so it's not that long of a wait.
I don't think you can.. other than to prevent them from happening again lol. It's not an outside wound, it's healing from within. I would go with foundation or concealer. Is it on the leg? there are also those sprays you can use to emulate wearing nylons, they might help as well.
I find Sudocrem antiseptic cream is great for bruises. My mum always used it on us as children and it worked great. I know its suppose to be used on babies but it works for a number of things I find, its also great for spots.
As someone who gets bruises on a daily basis I have found that ice is the only thing that has worked for me, it doesn't make them go away, but it has made them disappear faster.
I don't think there is a way to remove bruises. It will fade automatically. Just be cautious in what you are doing to avoid bruises. I think you can also take folic acid and ferrous sulfate. It's good for the blood.