bring back hanging for paedophiles? In light of the recent evidence that Sir Jimmy Saville OBE was in fact a predatory paedophile, does any one else think that we should bring back hanging, (in britain) or other ways i.e. sent to death row in the U.S.A.
Wow, this is such a heavy topic. I was wondering why it didn't have any other comments. I wish I could answer it, but I can't. However, I think it's great that you are bringing more serious discussions to the forum.
Yeah, I think that the death penalty should be implemented in all countries, along with rape, since they deal with sexual abuse to women and children. Abusing little children should not be tolerated, and I think by implementing it, it can help act as a deterrent to all current and even future offenders.
I am not a supporter of capital punishment. Pedophiles are the lowest criminals out there, but I think locking them up forever is enough for me.
I am from the UK and the subject of capital punishment is a difficult one. While it seems the obvious answer, especially in cases of pedophiles, there have been too many people thrown in jail for a crime they didn't commit to make it sit completely right for me. In cases where the individual is guilty without a doubt and there is solid scientific evidence to back the conviction than I say yes! but if there is any possibility of doubt I think taking a life is too risky.
Why would you do that? Sure, its an act of disgusting criminatily, but what good does killing a person do? It won't help make anything better. Trust me, the person would suffer much more being locked up in a prison for life, with every inmate taking turns on bullying him.. I'd like to think that we are still living in a civilized society that can solve problems without killing.
Okay, well I'm not sure who this fellow is in the opening post, but I think hanging is a fast death for someone who commits these acts. I would much prefer a more torturous method myself. They deserve no mercy and should be dealt with extreme as possible. These types are some of the worst of our society!
I don't know about bringing back hanging, but I'd certainly imprison them for life. Then I'd put them in the normal wing with the other prisoners, rather than keeping them in solitary confinement. That should ensure the state doesn't have to keep them for too long. If that sounds wicked, think about what they have done to innocent children. Make them suffer, and realise that what they have done is one of the sickest things any human being can do to another. I only wish these people had come forward when Jimmy Saville was alive, so he could have faced the accusations. I can understand why they didn't, having had to deal with a similar situation in my own family, but he should have been publicly shamed and stripped of the honours he received through his charity work. That doesn't make up for what he did to those children.
I don't think you, or anyone else, has a right to kill people. Our parents taught us at a very young age that two wrongs don't make a right. So, kill someone because they did something wrong, and somehow all is right in the world? Doesn't make any sense to me, and in fact, it just sounds kind of sadistic.
I agree with other posters. I do not agree with capital punishment, certain criminals deserve life in prison. I think capital punishment is a waste of time, because most death row inmates live off the system for years before they may be executed.
Yes, I think all pedophiles should be hanged or gotten rid of in some permanent way. They are disgusting and should not be allowed around people. When people say they love Michael Jackson I am always so shocked. Yuck!
That was the most ridiculous comment I've ever seen in my life. To compare two people because of YOUR opinion is insane. Everyone is different, even pedophiles.
I am not a fan of capital punishment but I do believe that the justice system needs to seriously re-evaluate the way they deal with pedophiles. The minimum sentences these monsters get makes me sick. I am in Canada and I have known of people that were charged with molesting children and have gotten out of jail in 6 mos! I truly think that molesting a child should be treated with the same severity as attempted murder or murder, because that act will mess a child up for the rest of their life. They are NEVER going to be the same again. A more harsh, mandatory sentence should be imposed at the very least, though I do understand the desire to kill because if it was my child it happened to it might be me behind bars!
It's disgusting isn't it? I don't know about other countries, but it breaks my heart how little children are respected by the system. Pirating is seen as more of a threat! I agree with the others who are against capital punishment. I am soooooooooo, against it. I believe people like that need to be punished for what they did and they won't be if they're dead. It won't deter anything either. It's not as easy as deciding not to do it.. it's who they are.
I say give Pedophiles the death penalty only because it avoids the paperwork. The longer a pedophile rots in prison, the more appeals his lawyer will file for him to get out of prison. Until one day, it works and the sicko is back out there in general population. After what happened in Colorado, where a white supremacist was accidentally released from jail due to clerical error, and proceeded to kill a pizza delivery man, and a law enforcement official. I think giving the death penalty to a child molester, prevents him from being accidentally sprung from prison. Where even if he's out for a week, he can ruin another persons life.
Being a little primitive in this theme, aren't we? What next, burning people at stake when they display an intellect greater than average? To even think of falling into the old habit of "killing because it gets things done" is horrible.
This really is a controversial subject. My opinion is that capital punishment is not the answer. If you really think about it capitol punishment in itself is really a form of hypocrosy. You are playing God and deciding that this person is not fit to walk the earth any longer so you murder him. It is justified by the law, but it is still murder. You are delibertly and vengefully making a decision to end a life. Do not get me wrong, there is no act more hanious and vile then to sexually assualt a chid. It is beyond disgusting and evil. But to take a life is just as equally dispicable no matter how justified it is. Yes they should spend the rest of their days in prison. Castrate them, leave them in solitary confinement. But to go back to hanging someone, is a step back to barbarian vigilantism.
Primitive? What's so primitive about protecting your child? Seriously speaking, if I come upon someone raping my child, I will definitely kill him on the spot. There's nothing to talk about when it comes to such things. There's no such plea as victim colloboration and victim credibility. Just kill the child rapist and be done with it.
Tough subject. We all agree that child molestation is a terribly dispicable act, which deserves extreme punishment. I am not opposed to capital punishment in these situations, but I am against providing free room and board, internet, free gym, free medical care and many of the other amenities of being incarcerated. So, i propose we sentence them to life in prison, but I propose we require them to pay their own food bills and when their money runs out, oh well, everyone is happy.