One easy way to save money on your monthly grocery bill is to plan a few breakfasts for dinner! Breakfast foods are generally less expensive to prepare, plus they usually involve very little prep time! Here are some of our favorite breakfasts for dinner:PancakesScrambled eggs, sausage, and toastFrench toastCheese and Vegetable QuicheBreakfast burritosDo you ever have breakfast for dinner? What are some of your favorite breakfast foods to eat at dinner time?
Good idea and there are times when I just want to eat a waffle from the freezer for dinner. The best advice once I got from a thin person is that she eats very light for dinner and eats big for breakfast. The breakfast has to last you almost all day and after dinner all you do is watch television, so eat light at dinner! Thanks for the tip!
Do you mean to say that you are serving breakfast food in lieu of evening meals? Pardon me but that wouldn't click in our house because the taste buds of the people here are sensitive. There are times that we have fried rice and fried dried fish for dinner - that's our favorite breakfast - and the diners here would hastily comment that it is a late breakfast. When there is a need to save on dinner expenses, what we cook is a dish of fish because fish here is very cheap compared to meat.
I love to have pancake for dinner. I often make savoury pancakes for dinner but sweet pancakes for breakfast, but it's basically the same recipe to make both of those meals. One just has sweet flavours added and the other savoury and that works quite well. I'd also have eggs, sausages and toast for dinner as well as for breakfast. The others I'd be less inclined to do so though.
I sometimes have cereal for dinner when I am really low on money, and it is just as good as anything else. Where I am from, you can buy breakfast cereal incredibly cheaply, around £1 for up to 20 meals worth, which is obviously amazing value. It might not be the best thing to eat, but when you're hungry pretty much anything will taste good, so it's worth it really!
Breakfast for dinner is one of my favorite meals. Saving money aside, it's just delicious. There's nothing like a big stack of pancakes at the end of the day to make you feel like you're never leaving the house again. I wish more restaurants served breakfast all day. I know McDonald's started this practice recently, but their all day breakfast menu is limited, so that kind of sucks. I've just started making my own sausage and egg biscuits at home. It's not quite the same, but it's good enough. And back to saving money, making it myself (morning or evening) is definitely cheaper in the long run.
I don't do it often, but once in a while I will cook up some eggs for dinner - usually in the form of an omelette or poaching some eggs in tomato sauce to serve over toast. It's usually on days where I may have slept in real late, past breakfast and just had lunch as the first meal of the day. It's kind of peculiar how my appetite for certain types of foods changes throughout the day. Come lunch time I usually have no appetite for eggs, but first thing in the morning I'm craving them. Or if I stay up late past midnight I start craving something with eggs again.
When I was growing up, we would do this regularly and have pancakes or waffles for dinner. I have started doing this and yes it is very easy. Pancakes are incredibly easy to make from scratch and there is a plethora of pancake recipes out there to choose from. I have started looking for new recipes to change things up a bit. I love to make pancakes, french toast, waffles and have eggs and bacon with them. It makes for a hearty meal and like you said it is way cheaper.
There was a time when I would have went for this without a second thought but nowadays for some reason I prefer my breakfast meals to be had in the mornings as I feel the mood then is the most appropriate for the type of food. I realize that this is all pretty much just artificial construct since there really is technically no appropriate food for certain times of the day, ultimately, but I have given into the conditioning completely and now only feel right when breakfast is had in the morning. Maybe certain days will be an exception but for the most part I prefer to keep it traditional.
At times when I want a quick meal I'll make an omelette or pancakes and as I always have brunch at around 11:00 a snack just before I got to bed and a light meal in the evening are fine by me. It does save me a lot of money but I suppose if I wasn't living alone things would be different.
Yes, I like pancakes, omelettes or fritattas for dinner at tines. I love breakfast food anyway. It is really my favorite meal of the day and I do enjoy eating it. The chance to save money is just an extra bonus. It is a way to get the best bang for the buck I think.
Just last night I fixed a ham, cheese and eggs for my grandson's dinner because he did not want what we were eating. I often think it is easier to have what we eat for breakfast for dinner something easy like a bowl of oatmeal is great.