Easy solution to get ride of your black heads and you may have what you need in your kitchen. You simply only need half a lemon and 3-4 drops of honey. Rub the lemon on your face. Leave the lemon on the area your treating for 5 minutes and then wash with cold water. Also lemon with fade mark/spots and honey will moisturize.
That is interesting and pretty much cost free. However, black heads are very hard to get out. I find the only way to get them out is when I have a facial. So I'm not sure how effective honey and lemon would be...maybe it helps on superficial black heads?
Huh? Are you sure your blackheads disappear after you do that? Since they're buried inside your pores, you really need an extractor to be able to fully get rid of them. That's what I do, I use a blackhead remover extractor.