The best way to lose weight is to slowly start cutting down on your portions when you eat. This will gradually help your stomach adjust to smaller helpings of food. Sometimes people will starve themselves to lose weight, but losing too much too soon will leave you with lose skin. If you're used to eating a whole box of macaroni, try to eat half of it to cut down on unwanted calories. You don't have to finish everything you cook that's why there's a thing called "leftovers."
The best natural way I've found to lose weight is via a Vegetable Detox and Fruit Detox. Veggie Detox Steam 3-4 cups of raw mixed vegetables until tender. The veggies can be steamed together or separately. Eat vegetables 2-3 times per day along with drinking lots of water. If you get hungry between steamed meals drink the broth from the vegetable water. Fruit Detox Fruit is filled with enzymes. These enzymes do almost all the work of digestion, giving the pancreas a break. Fruit sugars, compounded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, are carried by the bloodstream and delivered to every cell in the body. Fruit does not create mucus and is perfect for our metabolic needs. The fibers left behind in the colon are moist and cleansing in nature, softening and removing years of impacted mucus. Almost any type of fruit will do, you really can't go wrong with whatever you choose. You can combine the Veggie and Fruit Detox, one day veggie, the next day fruit. Try it for 7 days and you will see amazing results.
I know I am going to get a lot of flack for this one, but when I need to drop a quick 10 pounds or I am feeling bloated and chunky, I eat watermelon only for about 5-7 days. It totally cleans me out. Takes away the bloat, and my clothes fit again. Then I move to salads the next week, and work my way back to regular food.
Of course exercise and a healthy diet are going to be the foundation of not only losing weight but also keeping it off. With that said one of my favorite exercise routines to do is a work out DVD by Jillian Michaels called 30 day shred. It's a series of three different workouts each building upon the other. It's supposed to shock your body into changing within 30 days. Of course results will vary but the catch is that the workout is only 20 minutes long. She says that 20 minutes of nonstop strength, cardio and abs workouts will replace hours of "phoning it in at the gym". I have to admit I have done this work out many times and am always dripping with sweat at the end of the workout and feel the strain the next day. I think it's a good workout routine and it's a time saver that gets results. But you do have to go pretty much nonstop for 20 minutes.
Some of the absolute worst things you can eat especially if you are trying to lose weight are potato chips, donuts, cookies, cake, regular ice cream and candy or anything that can be considered junk food. There are others of course, but if you can stay away from fried foods, excessive amounts of sugar and anything that is considered junk food, then you are off to a good start.
I'm recently trying to lose weight but just in my stomach just want to get rid of the belly nothing else so far the only thing i have been told for my belly is sit ups but there has to be more than that ?
I agree that slow and steady is usually best. At least in my personal experience it has helped keep weight from creeping back on. I follow a low-carb, vegetarian plan, but I also allow some 'cheating' and splurges that don't make me feel like I'm deprived. Works for me. Everyone is individual and what works for one, might not work for another.
Great tips here. Eating a meal that mostly consists of vegetables and fruits with very little carbohydrates and some amount of proteins helps. Drinking a lot of water, avoiding sodas also helps. Switching from juices to fruits, sweetened foods to natural sugars also help reduce weight. Right now I seem to have hit a plateau and can't seem to lose anymore. :/
Burn more calories then you consume. Really is that simple. Drink as much water as you can every day as well. I try to drink 8oz of chilled water before every meal.
You should eat less but at least five times a day. Avoid uhealthy and fatty food. Try to exercise too. I've followed those rules since March and I'm very satisfied with my weght at the moment.
Everyone is different with what works for weight loss. Some are able to lose with just diet and some with just exercise. I had to make long term changes to my diet, rather than go on a diet and change the way I exercise as well. I cannot eat the amount of carbs I used to eat, so that's the area I have to watch and a combination of short intensive workouts and not sitting down too much are helping me lose weight.
I would love tips just for losing belly fat i am perfectly fine with my body i just wish my stomach was flatter so if anyone has any tips on how to get a flat belly please let me know i have tried everything and it seems like nothing works.
A good way to lose weight is drink more water and eat less. Try eating more veggies and take a evening walk or jog. Throw away all junk food because its really bad for you.
As much as possible, refrain from eating after 6 pm, and all the more if you're about to sleep, because the food won't have a chance to get burned, and in turn will just end up as fat. Unless you plan on exercising the next day, eating a heavy meal at night or even midnight snacks should be avoided.
I have gotten sloppy with my food choices lately. All the tennis I play is getting countered by me eating hot dogs just to save a buck. I got wise yesterday and got some thin sliced smoked turkey.
I take green tea, and citrus fruits juices when I am trying to lose my extra body weight. I take green tea or grapefruit juice with empty stomach, it help me a lot to burn extra calories and all unnecessary body weight. Green vegetables salad is also a good choice for the weight reduction purposes.
I think some basic knowledge and will is necessary to lose weight. Drinking water out of the meals is a good tip, don't eat what you know that makes you fat (fried food, greases, candies) and don't eat large meals before going to bed. Try to cut on processed foods and try to eat as many veggies and fruits as possible. And of course, don't forget to exercise!