I have this small patch of land by my house that is constantly shaded and gets very little to no sun, It's been sitting empty for a while and right now I'm looking to plant something there so it doesn't look too bare, and I was wondering if you guys know of any plants that are very shade tolerant? I would like it if they are flowering plants, so they can brighten up the area around my house a little, and if are not the sort that would grow too big, but rather stay small and manageable. Any suggestions?
I don't know about flowers since few people plant flowers in their homes where I live. Instead I'll tell you about vegetables that grow in places where they get either little direct sunlight or a little bit of it as the sun makes it's way across the sky. You could plant: Beans. Lettuce. Kales. I'd highly recommend kales though. They may not beautify the place that much but they'll save you a bit on veggie money.