Does anyone think Fox News is fair and balanced as they claim? Do you think CNN and CNBC are? Are these networks even approaching a balanced view? In your opinion, what should news coverage consist of?
I don't think any news network is balances because most of them have their own vested interests or these channels are owned by some ot the other political parties biggies. Every Chanel shows news according to their own interest or market forces and even the surveys are biased.
You're correct. It's obvious from the commentaries and style of reporting that each network is biased toward a particular political view. However, I don't think it's a big deal. For instance, a conservative can tune into Fox News and a liberal can watch CNN. However, at the core, the news is news and is facts, not opinions. In that case, everyone knows the basic news though the deep interpretation differs.
Everyone has what they expect when they watch or listen to news. We use this criteria to judge various news networks. In my view, no network is perfect, you have to combine all of them to get a full coverage.