This is a good time to catch a lot of deals for back-to-school items. Many stores are offering 1 cent items if you purchase $5 in products. Office Depo and Staples are two of the stores that have this offer. The only problem is that you must get there early. Once it's sold out there are no rainchecks. It starts on Sundays so I would get there right when the store opens. I have shopped the store days after and all the items were gone. Some of the items will have a limit on how many you can purchase, so take a friend.
These deals are quite good and parents with school going children should take advantage of them. I have come to appreciate the value of timeliness when it comes to purchasing seasonal goods like school items. You should purchase them during the end of the year towards the festive season when sales are quite low and so are the prices.
These deals are very useful in saving the consumer a bit of money. However, some of these deals may come with "while stock lasts" stipulations so if you decide to capitalize on the deal, you will have to be prepared to go at it as early as possible and sometimes be also prepared to contend with an extended time in the store because of the more than usual amount of shoppers who are trying to take advantage of these deals.
So true. This is the disadvantage of the deals. Once the 1 cent items are gone there are no rainchecks. It makes people have to get up very early on the weekend. I miss a lot of these deals because of this. Nevertheless, a lot of the deals are still good even without the penny deal. I use this time to stock up and the supplies will last me all the way until next school year.
Yes, here in Virginia they are offerng tax free shopping on a number of items relalting to school. This could be anything like school supplies, clothing, notebooks or other covered items. It is a nice benefit that many cn take advantage of and utilie. I think it is one of the best ways to save money if you have kids. It is an easy way to go shopping.
I'll be taking a look at the sale items when students are all back to school here. The thing is though, students aren't back to school for another month here so I have a little while left to wait before I can take advantage of such offers. I think it's a great time of year to get deals on school or office supplies though. Especially if you want any arts and crafts supplies as they can be included too sometimes.