Are You Picky About Food Quality?

Discussion in Food & Drink started by dashboardc33 • Apr 27, 2015.

  1. Nickchick

    NickchickWell-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2013
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    I did read it has to do with the combinations. When you have a digestive disorder, you can definitely eat what you want with no problem but it has to be a certain combination. Eating healthy is not only a difficult thing to do because of taste or cost but it's a lot of work. You have to figure out what's going to work for your body and you can't just believe what people say. You have to see for yourself if what you are reading is right.
    It's all about moderation too. I drink some soda but I make a point to drink A LOT of water (except at night. I try not to drink any water at night because I don't want to have to go the bathroom). I never liked the flavored water except for certain flavors of Simply Ice.
  2. hayrake

    hayrakeActive Member

    Dec 8, 2014
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    I'm a little picky, but that's because I can only afford to be a little picky. I don't think I would ever be one to insist on always having the very best, but I do tend to get the best of what I can afford. It's actually why I like to have a garden in the summer. I know what comes out of my garden and I know what goes into the jars when I can.
    As far as meats, I seek out small ma and pa stores who stock meats from local sources. It may not always be as good looking as some of the meats in the large chains, but it's also not loaded with the dyes that those are either--and it shows.
  3. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Really? I have never heard that take on digestive disorders before. I have IBS, and it doesn't seem to matter what I eat certain foods with, they seem to destroy my system for a day or two regardless :( Lol. I have actually noticed that certain foods that used to mess with me, I could eat more of them before. Now, they'd still mess with me. But since cutting them out, if I have even one small portion of the food, it will screw me up completely. It's strange. Bodies are strange lol.

    You may not want to drink water at night. But it is smart to drink water just before you go to sleep. There are specific health benefits to this, one of which is that it prevents strokes in one's sleep.
  4. Clairelouise84


    Feb 20, 2015
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    I am very fussy about the quality to be honest, but if it is really expensive then I just won't have it. The meat I get is from Aldi and it all top quality and I have never had any problem with it. I love Ben and Jerrys but will never get it unless it is on half price offer as £5 for ice cream is just too much for me to be able to justify.
  5. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    My sister's boyfriend works around a lot of meat. He is the supervisor where he works, and often brings home very high quality meat, at a discount price. So at least the meat portion is covered. I didn't know that Aldi sold meat, which probably denotes just how long it has been since I have visited an Aldi store lol. I agree with you about the ice cream. The prices are freaking disgusting. I mean, the ice cream is good. But not THAT good.
  6. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    I'm confused by the use of "quality" in the question. I was going to say I'm not very picky about quality.. in fact, I prefer some of my food in conditions that usually get discounted lol, because they're usually at their healthiest then.. depending on the food. But that's just it.. it's food. I don't find boxed foods to be of high quality, so in that case, yes, I'm very picky.. I don't generally eat packaged and processed. There are a few in my cupboard and they're more expensive than what I generally eat.. but I spend very little on the foods in our house.

    In short, the way it's used here.. yes, very very very picky. Few ingredients, as close to real food as possible lol and I'll pay the added price because our food isn't typically expensive.

    Just wanted to jump in and be proud lol. Congrats on quitting soda! And love the healthy talk lol, you just get more awesome every day :p

    Sorry to hear you're still having issues. My husband has the same problem, he just never knows when something will turn on him. He was suffering since childhood though and never was a healthy eater until I put my foot down on us both lol. He has to eat exactly like me to avoid the issues.. he's maybe 98% issue free now. Hopefully still healing every day. But one offending food and he's right screwed.. so how healed can one be once the damage is done? Who knows. These things do take time to build though, so it will take time to heal.. hopefully sooner than later for you, I know how exhausting it can be.
  7. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Thank you, internet mama, because that is totally how I see you, regardless of the fact that you are not old enough to have given birth to a child who is twenty-four years old lol. :) :) :) You are totally going to have to send me your diet plan, JosieP. I need to eliminate 98% of these issues too :) I don't know if anyone can ever really be fixed. It is like the body has a strike against certain foods, and then that is it from then on out.
  8. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    I think I agree. I haven't seen many people completely heal from any real damage to the digestive tract.. it takes years of build up from treating ourselves like most do and then it just doesn't seem to go away, which is why many people just don't believe in eating right even in poor health. It sure makes things worlds better though. And many DO heal depending on how long it's been going on and what the issue actually is. Many digestive issues are triggered by infection too, have you looked into that?

    So many people think they're fine with their lifestyles because there is no immediate symptoms.. but for many, the first sign of a problem is when the permanent damage finally hits.. it was just silently growing until then. And those people should actually consider themselves lucky to have that as their sign, because for many others, the first sign is a fatal heart attack or other serious reactions to lifestyle. Doesn't feel so lucky though, I know.

    Most people consider the way I eat to be restrictive lol.. you know my mantra, "real food real food real food" and LOTS of it. No restricting at all. Not in my eyes anyway. I rid my life of foods that are harder to digest, eat tons of water packed foods, no animal products (which helped my husband the most btw.. and many grains were an issue as well), just... food. The stuff that would still be around if the factories all crumbled, ja know? lol.

    Lmao! Can we maybe change that to Internet Older Sistah? Or Internet Aunt-ish? lol. You just made me feel super old.. I'm going to go buy me some Juicey sweats and lift weights and stuff :p
  9. ohiotom76

    ohiotom76Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
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    Ice cream is something I would definitely splurge on and get stuff that was made locally, even if it did cost a little more. I've tried some of the cheaper store brand variety, and did not care for them. They often had a bizarre texture to them - sort of like frozen silicone, and just tasted too processed overall.

    Peanut Butter is another thing I won't budge on - it's gotta be Smucker's All Natural. All the other varieties are basically just soy with some peanut flavorings, and I don't even care for the freshly ground variety at my local farmers markets and fruit markets, which just taste bland imo.

    But I've gotten less picky with jarred pasta sauces, as there are some pretty decent store brands these days for only 99 cents a jar.
  10. Clairelouise84


    Feb 20, 2015
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    Aldi in the UK sells meat, I am not sure about any stores in the USA but the meat is great in Aldi UK and I have never had a problem. Totally, Haagen Daazs is the same, it's good, but not £5 worth of good!
  11. Sunflogun

    SunflogunActive Member

    May 6, 2015
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    I am picky with the quality of my food, especially in what concerns meat. For some reason the meat in the supermarket seems to be from a totally different quality from the meat in the butcher, but from a distance. And the price is not that different, in fact it's pretty close, so I don't know how so many people still buy their meat in supermarkets.
  12. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    It can be very frustrating - how slow the process is. I mean, when you initially decide to take your digestive system back lol, and begin to eat all of the beneficial foods, I think that a lot of people expect to see results straight away, because why not right? But they don't realize that there are numerous deficiencies happening in the body, and that those deficiencies will take time to build back up, just as they took time to decrease. But it is so frustrating - you just want your body to work properly again. It sucks lol.

    I made you feel super old? Hahaha!! :( Yes, we can change that to internet sistah if you'd like, because auntie is still a little oldish ;)
  13. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Lol.. sweet. E-sistah it is haha. And yep, exactly.. quite the process and our bodies being the complex, amazing things they are, there are sooooooooo many pieces to every single puzzle and no two bodies have the exact same pieces. Tis why it's best to avoid these things than to assume we're fine abusing ourselves and just wait for the damage we may not be able to fix. Everybody knows someone who eats the typical, disgusting diet till their super old age.. fine.. but the majority will pay for it. I don't know how many times I read, in here alone, "I eat this and that and I'm totally fine"... ok, well good luck with that. Look at all the posts popping up about damaged health.. they thought the same thing not too long ago. Another reason the food industry needs to go down and rebuild in an honest way.. their lies are now "truth" and people are dying for it.
  14. TheViper

    TheViperActive Member

    Nov 10, 2013
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    Well, the problem comes with when you buy stuff that you don't really need. I know that before I use to buy a bunch of chips, cookies, and soda. I figured out that I really didn't need those in my diet so I cut off a majority of unhealthy snacks. You can find deals on healthier options if you take the time to look.