One of the things that we are always cautioned about is the need for fiber in our diets. Having enough fiber not only helps with the digestive process, but it also goes along way towards preventing colon cancer and other bowel diseases. Most people do not get enough fiber in their diet anymore. Whereas, people used to eat a lot of vegetables and greens in their diet, now (especially in the more modern countries) our diet contains much more protein and carbohydrates and very little fiber foods. People often buy fiber products such as Metamucil to make sure they are getting enough fiber. One easy way to get plenty of fiber is to add it to foods that you bake, such as cookies or quick breads like banana bread. I use any boxed mix from the store, and then I add flax seeds (ground up), chia seeds, almond flour, coconut flour, and psyllium husks, as well as bran flakes or other bran cereal. Sometimes, you need to add a little bit more baking powder because the mix will be heavier than just the plain muffin mix is; but once it is baked, you have an easy and tasty way to add fiber to your morning meal.
Fiber is indeed among the most important components in the diet. Many people have been ignoring it, but it has a variety of benefits. It prevents constipation problems since it adds bulk in food.I usually include it in most of the foods I eat.
I try to get plenty of fiber in my diet, but many people do not get enough fiber in their diets. Some simple ways of getting more fiber in your diet,are snacking on apples or other high-fiber fruits like berries. Also I try to eat oatmeal and brown rice because these whole grains have not been processed so much,so you get a lot more fiber this way. I like nuts and almonds as well, but eating popcorn is really great as a whole grain to eat, and is quite cheap if you pop your own.
We always eat at least two bananas per day. We also consume vegetables but less frequently because it is not easy to get fresh vegetables in town. We also make sure most of the cooked food has enough soup like fish, vegetables, potatoes e.t.c Spaghetti has fiber too. Sometimes I feel having a food timetable helps a lot because it is easy to forget which category of food contains fiber.
I use whole grains in my cooking, lots of vegetables and fruits on a daily basis. I usually do not peel veggies such as potatoes, cucumbers etc. and also try to eat most fruits with their peels on. That fulfils the requirement of fiber for my family.
I always make sure we eat adequate levels of fiber every day. Our dishes usually have vegetables in them. Otherwise, when the dish is all-meat, we normally have stir-fried vegetables as side dish. I typically consume a hot cup of oatmeal each day in lieu of coffee and bread. Even popcorn snacks once in a while help pack in the fiber. On some days, we prepare pasta dishes and on some days, we have brown rice in place of white rice.
I am aware of the importance of fibre and do try to make sure I get enough. I love fruit and veg, cereals, seeded brown bread, jacket potatoes etc. so I think I am getting enough and it's not expensive to be healthy, much cheaper than eating fast foods when you are out or ready meals at home.
I actually get enough fiber in my diet because I eat vegetables and fruits quite often. And even when I get to eat them rarely, I just eat Quaker Oats to replace them for my fiber intake.