I remember my first roommate saying, "As long as it's paid before they shut it off, who cares?" Well, that's not really such a great attitude to have once you're actually an adult, haha. I've also noticed that the fees added on for late utility bill payments can be quite high. While I admit that I have had to pay things late before, I try to avoid doing so. I mean, of course, it's just best to pay right away anyway, but things happen sometimes. If you get in a pinch, you can usually get an extension (like after missing a week of work during an ice storm, during the highest heating cost month of that year). It's a relief to get an extension if needed, but remember, those fees add up.
If at all possible I always cover the bills on time, with auto-pay. Not just to avoid late payment fees and such but to protect my credit score--that will save a lot of money I the long term. And I agree that f you just can't make it for a one-off reason it is always worth seeing if you can call and make an arrangement.
Fortunately, there's no such thing as a "late fee" where I'm from. As long as you're able to pay within the allotted "grace period" (usually not more than three months), you're charged the same amount you normally pay per month. If you fail to pay even after the extension given, then the company has the leeway to cut your connection. To avoid this scenario, I think it's best to save a portion of your income for utility bills.
I'm always caught paying the late fee on one my utilities at least $5 if I miss the due date. I've come to the point that I just add the last fees in my budget. If make the due date that's fine, if I don't I have it covered.
I do my best to pay on time so that I can avoid late fees, but about 3 months out of the year, I fail and end up paying the extra late fees. I hate wasting that money.
Yeah I definitely try to and the best way to do that is to call the company and set up automatically billed payments where they charge you evey month so you can't forget!
I will always pay my bills as soon as I get them, because I know that if I don't, I might forget about them and this could cause me to have to pay a fee at a later date, which I want to avoid. It is so easy to avoid fees like this, and incurring any kind of late payment fee is always going to be because of a lack of organisation on your part, so it is just a waste of money that you could have avoided.
I always pay the utility bills on time because the late fees here will add up. When I'm suppose to be trying to be making it easier on me, I'm actually making it harder for myself because I'll end up paying more money then I had to in the first place! But I'm not dirt poor either, so I've never had to put myself in the situation where I had to pay late. So I guess I really wouldn't know. Unless I would have to starve if I paid the bill, I'd always pay it on time (I doubt that would ever happen).
I try to my best to always have my bills paid on time but being in a single income family, it is not always easy to do. You can only stretch your paycheck so far. If I think I am going to be late I always call the company a head of time and make arrangements for when the pill will be paid. I have never had a problem, they are good about that, as long as you let them know what is going on.
I used to say this quite very often till date despite my college years were gone a while back, LOL However it was a budget matter, having not the money to pay those bills and confident that I wouldn't be charge any fee for overdue payments. Later, I found that some utility bills began to generate penalty fees, and it was more convenient to me pay on time that leaving it out until before the service would be shut off. Actually I have no problems with utility bills because I moved to an apartment which rent includes the fees for all the utility fees and therefore, paying the rent on time is the only I need to worry about.
I also always pay them ASAP to protect my credit. PLEASE only use auto payments on fixed expenses, things that are the same $ month to month. NEVER use it for variable expense, if the company screws up and over bills you it can be a nightmare to unravel after you have paid. ALWAYS check your bill, who wants to give them extra $$? Read this horror story:Log In
I only incur a late payment fee on my telephone/internet bill and I have been charged it on a couple of occasions. It is a variable expense and as Brandon quite rightly points out, I like to check this before I pay.
Most of my utilities are pretty lax when it comes to late fees. The fees themselves are usually pretty minor, nothing to worry about. Now, my water bill... don't get me started on them. That's a different story.
@xTinx That sounds like the place I should be living, where are you from? I try to pay everything on time, but that doesn't always happen. My electric provider has a policy that unless you can pay on time for a year and a half, they will hold your security deposit. If I had the security deposit, I could pay on time. It always seems to be a catch 22, and I end up paying the fees way more than I'd like.
Extra fees plus an impact on your credit are worth thinking about if you don't pay on time. Having some sort of autopay always makes sense, though it's not always convenient and possible. Ultimately, though, you've got to realize that they're effectively debts and there are normally implications if you don't pay back your debts at the right time.
In Botswana utility companies tend to be a lot more lax than in most countries. You can delay payment, if you're struggling to pay, as long as you inform them of your situation. However, I prefer to pay all my bills when I get paid, so that they don't accumulate.
Always on time is my motto - as although similar to xTinx in that - there are no late fees as such where I live and you only pay the amount stated on the bill - providing its paid within two months of the date of issue - as the consequences of not doing that - means that your supply will automatically be cut off and more often than not without warning too - and the cost of getting reconnected is extortionately high - especially as its just for flicking a switch - I generally prefer to pay all my utility bills as soon as I receive them - particularly as the post here usually takes around 3 weeks to arrive.
I usually pay my utility bills on time. I budget beforehand and pay on time to also prevent me from spending the money on unnecessary things. I agree with Lushlala that paying late will just result in accumulated bills, making it heavy on the pocket. To add, if the utility companies offer it, I would pay in advance to avail discounts.
Since we pay our utilities via online, we never had been late in payments even once. It's not good to be late in payment because there is a penalty that they may cut the line of electricity or phone or even water supply. When online payment became available, I enrolled at once and availed of that service. Now it's just a phone call, no need to fall in line.
Paying months in advance is a service I'm grateful for here. I do that with water as it's not that expensive. In my opinion, they could afford to charge us more as water is a very rare commodity here, but there you have it. I'm also lucky because my electricity is pre-paid. When I get paid, I just bung enough to last me about 2 months. So in the end I only have the rent, internet and my medical insurance to pay. Well, for now.