I've been a vegetarian for the past seven years. I went vegan about four years ago, but decided to go back to eating milk and eggs after two years. I was perfectly healthy and happy on a vegan diet, but was too lazy to put the effort into making my own food all the time. I didn't want to have problems with malnutrition, so I stopped. My whole family is vegetarian, so becoming vegetarian at some point in my life was a no-brainer, really. I strongly believe that a diet without meat is much healthier, if you eat enough vitamins and protein that is. I hate the way the animals in the meat industry are treated, and this is another big reason for me not eating meat. Is anyone else here vegetarian or vegan? I would like to hear your opinions on it! Do you eat meat? I want to hear about your opinions on people like me. I have nothing against people that eat meat, honestly. I couldn't care less about what they eat. But many vegetarians attack them, calling them murderers and such. Does that make all vegetarians looks bad?
I've never been a big meat eater, so it was just a natural next step for me. I can't look at an animal, knowing we evolved to a point we no longer need it for survival, and turn my back while someone slaughters it for a few minutes on my taste buds. They're essential raised to become poop.. it's horrific to me now. I feel guilty being horrified by how these animals are treated and what raising them is doing to our planet.. then turn around and contribute to it. And oh my god, they are such beautiful creatures. Maybe we should go back to the days where you only eat meat if you can slaughter the animal yourself. How many of us would still eat it? Why aren't they eating their cats and dogs? lol. We don't need animals or their milk and eggs to survive.. you can get everything you need from a plant based diet. I know it's not ideal for many and I don't push it.. I just can't personally live the hypocrisy anymore.
Thank you for your opinion, I would like to expand on some of your points. I frequently ask myself the old pet question. What is the difference between a cow and a dog? Why would you eat a beef stake but would be grossed out when I asked you if you would try dog meat. It just doesn't make sense. If I were a meat eater, I wouldn't have a problem eating any meat. I just don't see the difference. Why is it okay to kill cows and bad to kill cats? And why do people still eat rabbit meat even though rabbits are cute and fluffy and awesome pets?
I've been a vegetarian all my life because I come from a traditional vegetarian family. I never thought of trying non vegetarian food because I never really wanted to. It feels good to be a vegetarian.