Personally, I try to save money by working out on my own, without a gym. I find that I can get just as good of a workout (if not better) doing exercise outside, particularly at a fitness part which is a great five mile run from my house. So, are any of you guys members of gyms? How expensive is it? Like I said above, I like to save money by doing my workout on my own. ~ Dude
I bought my own bench for 197$ that can support up to 600lbs, then I purchased a 210lb olympic bar set with weights for about 220$. So i spent around 400-600 dollars for my home gym. It gives me the core stuff I need like squats, bench press, deadlift, power cleans, overhead press. Without needing to go to the gym. In general though its about 40$ a month for a gym membership where I live & its not 24 hour gym.
I used to be a member of XSport during a promotion they were having. A competing gym moved in across the street from them and so XSport lowered their price per month to $10. Normally I think the price was around $30-$40, plus all the fees. When my contract expired I decided not to renew it. I don't like being locked into it for a year or more! Now I work out at home. I have a set of adjustable weight barbells, a yoga mat, and some resistance bands. That's all I need to get a good workout, but I also really like P90X! I think I'll revisit a gym membership when my goals change, but for now I'm happy.
Nice guys! Gyms are nice, but I really feel like working out outdoors is better for you anyways. Do any of you guys work out on bikes?
I am a member of a gym, though at this point the only benefit I get out of it is saying that I am a member of a gym. I go 2-3 times a month nowaday because I've just been so busy recently.
No, I'm not. I used to be, but I just wasn't getting my money's worth. Now I go to zumba classes twice a week, and I absolutely love it. Plus it's £4.00 cheaper a month than my gym subscription. Bonus!
I'm not a member of any gym because I can't afford the fees right now. I would rather work out the privacy of my own home rather than in front of people.
I am a member of a gym but I might have to stop soon. The fees are starting to hit me hard and it's not even open 24 hours. I think I will try to buy equipment for my home (if I can find room) and start working out at my house.
I used to be a member of the YMCA. I was pretty pricey and had to let the membership go. I loved my membership, but couldn't afford it anymore. I hope to be in a position to join again soon.
Ive been going to the gym for 2+ years now. Ive been fortunate that it was a decent gym. Its not one of those fancy ones, just a no-frills old school gym. I pay about $50 a month but thats because im still a student, its more expensive if youre not. I think I'm going to invest into a home gym though. Its more expensive than I though. Squat racks are more than $200, so I think I will get a power cage. Its more expensive but I can squat, bench, do rack pulls and pullups on it. I also need to get some strong benches, I see a lot of cheap ones but they only support up to 350lbs of weight. The standard barbells are more than $50 and weights are approximately $1 per lb, and I need up to $600 lbs of weight plates. On second though I don't have that kind of money. Argg, gotta start saving up.
It's only initially more expensive. In the long run, it's cheaper. You don't have to wait to use the equipment. Also, you do have to be concern about other people's sweat being left of the equipment. I should start saving up too!
I've already started investing in my own home gym! It's worth it in the long run, trust me. I have enough equipment as of now where I don't HAVE to go to a gym anymore!
You're totally right Parker. I have a few friends that have got the case of ring worms and a friend from the US who got infected with MRSA. Both cases were from using the gym equipment. I have actually began looking at craigslist. A buddy from the gym told me that every now and then people sell their old weights either for free or very cheap.
I have a gym membership. It's quite cheap because I signed up with a few friends at the same time so they gave us a significant discount. I train about 5 days a week so it's money well spent to me. I have some gym equipment at home but not enough so I joined the gym. I also lose motivation to train when I'm at home as there is just too much to do around the house.
I'm not because I decided I wanted to save the money and it was crowded and I hate having to wait for machines. So, now I run, lift dumbbells at home, and do workout videos and calisthenics at home. But, a few times a month I go to our local community center and pay a couple dollars for a session in their workout room that has a bunch of machines and free weights. The community centers are run by the city and a fraction of the price of private gyms. It's often crowded there too, but cheap.
No, I'm not a member of a gym because we don't have one nearby. Plus, the membership fee is expensive. Haha! I mostly work out at home and around the block. I just do some dance, stretching exercises, sit-ups and push-ups, etc.
Been a member of a few gyms in my time, finally bought a squat rack and olympic weight set this year and really enjoy the convenience of working out at home.
I have never had much luck with gym memberships. Finally, this last fall, I joined an early morning boot camp. It was a success! I was expected to show up every morning and we worked with hand weights only, equipment-wise. I learned so many exercises and running patterns that I can do on my own now, with no more membership to pay. I found a work-out buddy, and we do pretty much the same things on our own now.
I've been a gym member for 5 years now running. For the most part, I am pretty devoted. I go at least 5 times a day when I can. But there are times when schedules just simply don't allow me the time to get to the gym.
I find that working out at home actually makes me lose motivation as I know I have so many other things that have to be done around the house that I just get side tracked and can barely train properly and efficiently. It's a real shame because I have pretty much everything I need at home to train good but I can't concentrate at home.