Yes, I am. I have no shame in it, either. I do everything on my laptop -- I make money, I communicate with my far-away friends, send news back home, learn new skills and follow online classes, write my stories and my blog articles, look up any information I need to have, expand my views, watch pilates and dance videos to get in shape, etc, etc. On the other hand, if I go on vacations, be it a weekend or two months, I have no problem leaving my computer behind and only having rare access to the Internet, if any at all.
Yes I am, because it entertains me and I make money from it. Even when I haven't discovered that you can make money online, I have always enjoyed watching movies and surfing the net as compared to just watching tv.
I'm not so dependent on my computer as i am on my phone. I can live for days without my computer but not my phone however my computer is obviously more important since i mainly use it for schoolworks and part time jobs.
We are definitely dependent on our computer. Unless you're a farmer or a certified technician which only communicates by phone or instant messaging, I think. Our modern society only can work with computers because it evolved thanks them. Internet is now an essential element to thrive in every aspect, because is a reliable mean of communication.
It is very important to me.I use to check the weather,Facebook,news etc.. and I can't let it go.I'm sure if I didn't have had these habits as an infant I wouldn't be so addicted to the computer now.Technology is a big part of my life and I need it constantly. I'm sure I would live without it, but for now, i'm not ready to live without it.
We are very much dependent on computers because we want everything to be done with a click. From booking tickets to launching missiles everything is depended on computers. In fact we are not only depend on computers but on every latest technology that we used in our day to day life. Example: Kitchen appliances, Washing machine, Mobile phones, etc.
I know I am, because I work from home, and when my computer breaks (or my internet goes down) there is very little that I am able to do about it, so therefore I am not able to earn money at that point. But that is just the nature of the world, I think. If it weren't for my job, I would be able to do without my computer quite easily. In fact, I could find another job, so even if I had to live without my computer I would be absolutely fine.
I too am very dependent on my computer even if I use only library's internet computers and netbook borrows! I sold our land via the computer. It's so very nice to have a tool that helps you shop, communicate, ask and find solutions or queries, play games and even find a husband with! Definitely I am very dependent of computers for they are so very convenient to have and to print out information for others too. I learned and got a special degree with computers too. Very valuable to have computer access or to own one.
I'd say that half of the people in our country is dependent on the computer and more than half of computer users are dependent on the internet for their daily activities. With the popularity of e-commerce which is growing every day, we will soon see the internet as the main source of shopping. With jobs, the online jobs are also growing in number that it is now providing around 10% of employment in the urban area. What's good in the trend is the cost of computer which is not increasing as per the law of supply and demand. As the demand increases, the price of computer is going down.