Because sports drink are formulated to have ions that are loss in our body during our workout, they are really more effective than water for faster recovery. But don't mistake it that it's all that we need, that by drinking it alone, we can already neglect the intake of water in our body after our workout. While sports drink provides us hydration, there is a point that we can no longer drink eat because by continuing to do so, we might be putting too much of ions of the amount that the body no long needs, but we still need fluid to be hydrated. In that case, we have to resort to nothing else but to water, and water alone.
Sport drinks are fine if they're good and safe for you, but for a company to say that it hydrates you more than water, that's probably just a good marketing strategy. Water is natural, and your body should be composed of 60-70% of it. You can never rely on sports drinks as your source of liquid. It's good to compliment your body during trainings or workouts, but nothing can replace water.
I don't enjoy sports/energy drinks at all, I'm yet to find one that I find palatable. So I never actually have any. I just don't understand how people can drink and keep them down. I find the taste disgusting. Even when I'm doing a workout or jogging, I'd rather take water or some cordial.
I'm not sure if having too much of it would be harmful but it probably is to some extent since there are some chemicals in there. Water is still the best but sports drinks also have their purpose. I was skeptical of it at first as well, thinking that it's just colored water but whenever I drink sports drinks it always feels more refreshing than water at certain times.
I have to say I'm a little suspicious of sports drinks, some of them have additives such as caffeine which is not really good for your heart, I think a natural approach is so much better, a Good healthy drink like orange juice or apple juice is just as good or better then these high brand sports drinks, there is enough electrolytes in natural sources to rehydrate your muscles and keep you going. Water is okay to drink but if you're working out hard you need a little more than just water to re-energize your body and give you energy otherwise your muscle will burn.
I opinion - there really is no clear cut evidence proving sports drinks are beneficial in contrast to how it's presented and labeled - that sports drinks do work but only when your body really needs it. For example, there have been many times when I played sports in the summer and I was sweating all over, but water would only quench my thirst but not help me regain energy, which is where sports drinks come in handy to have and consume in order to replenish all that salt that has drained out of one's body. Plus, whenever I get sick and dehydrated, I drink a little of whatever sports drink is available to replenish my loss bodily fluids. But most of the time, I drink water because it is healthier overall and doesn't leave an afterward taste.
A lot of sport drinks have conflicting ingredients in it that help you but in the long term can cause damage to your body. Stuff like artificial sugars and flavors can greatly impact your health down the road. It is better to just go with the good ol water or just a regular juice blend for your "energy" needs.
I was told that sports drinks are actually really bad for you. I hear they have a lot of sugar and usually do the reverse of what they say that they do. I guess they are helpful in that they rehydrate you and give you energy (in form of a sugar rush) but besides that not really.
I have heard that sport drinks really aren't the best thing to drink after a workout, and their price isn't the only motive. It may not be entirely true, but I have heard sugary water helps as well as sport drinks. Another option I have heard about is chocolate milk, but unless you make it yourself then it may be as expensive as sport drinks, at least in my country.
I know there are three types of sports drinks Isotonic, Hypotonic and Hypertonic, in which Hypertonic is best as an after race recovery drink. I believe that if you have knowledge about this drink and you know when and how much you have to drink then sports drink is better for you otherwise water is best option.
They've been proven to work, so yes, they do help you. What they do is they give you a short term energy boost which helps you exercise harder and thus perform better. They probably also work as a placebo. A large part of them contain a lot of sugar and/or caffeine, both of which are not very good for your health if consumed in large quantities, so you have to moderate their consumption. Personally, I prefer to drink an energy drink about 15 minutes before hitting the gym, and it does work for me. I also prefer not to buy the cheap energy drinks out there as I'm a bit afraid of risks they might pose to my health, so I stick to the more established brands.
From an ion replacement and sugar intake perspective, they're great when doing exercise. I always fall back on them when I'm having a big workout and even, I must admit, when I've got a bit of a hangover... But for normal day-to-day living, they're certainly not healthy. Basic filtered water does the job for most things. It's not packed with sugar and other things that would otherwise be unhelpful.
I don’t really believe much in sports drinks because I think they are just the same with water, but with flavor and color. They are both fluids that can quench thirst and there is no difference in how they can rehydrate us. In my case, when I work out, I usually just drink only water, but there are times that I drink sports drinks when I find plain water not exciting and go for the colorful and sweet sports drinks.
Sports drinks can help, but you cannot rely on them. It is just that little boost you might need to finish your exercise. I suggest buying some protein power, because it will be more beneficial than some of the bad ingredients in sports drinks.
Sport drinks are 100% a waste of money. They won't kill you, but there's no real health, or athletic benefits. If you want to buy into the marketing, that's allright! You'll also enjoy those pills that make your penis bigger. I heard those work real well... My sports drink: Water. (filter it if you can) A bit of lemon juice. A bit of honey. This recipe will save you a buck or two. Also, look into coconut water. Not so cheap though...
It's good to have a bottle or two, but yes, you would still need to drink enough plain water. There are times when I've had enough sports drinks but I would still feel very thirsty and dehydrated until I will drink a plain glass of water. Also, I do know that in the long run, it's not good if you drink too much sports drink.
They have the potential to be helpful but I've always felt they need to be paired with the right food intake. If you're only going to drink before, during, or after a workout you're just going to urinate out most of the things your body needs. Add food.
I think that sports drinks is one of the greatest manipulation method of them all. Of course, I'm exagerrating, but you have to understand that this drinks would not help you in any way. Water should be your only choice when it comes to hidratation.
Absolutely, if you use them for its designed purpose of refueling necessary salts and sugars in your body that you lose when you workout. I drink water during my workout and afterwards, I'll drink one bottle of a sports drink. That's what works for me, but it's important to find what works best for your own body. I have buddies who avoid them all-together and friends who drink them before, during and after workouts. Hydrating with water is not something anyone should give up in lieu of sports drinks though.
I'm a big water person. I drink water from the time I get up to the time I lay down at night and I'm a very active person. I've never taken to sports drinks in general. The only time I ever seem to want one is when I'm sick. Mixing a little bit of a sports drink with water seems to help a lot when you can't keep anything on your stomach. Pickle juice is my after jogging pick-me-up after running in the summer. Not so much in the winter, though.