Lately so many people are dieing as a result of police bullying and that is a problem. It's not just a particular race thats being murdered and frighten by these bullies with badges. Look at the new law that the mayor of New York imposed " that it's ok for cops to kiss suspected criminals at any point they choose. That's a clean violation of ones personal privacy. Choking people out and dragging people out of their vehicles, man come on! When does it end!
I was reading today that the police in China stomped a small dog to death because the owner didn't have adoption papers for the dog. I guess there are crooked cops everywhere. The abuses of power are sickening. And these are the people we're supposed to call if we're in danger.
That kind of stuff makes me sick as well. I try so hard to not just blow of the map when ever i see them. i have to keep reminding myself that it's not all of them. The bad ones just make the whole look so bad. It terrifies me to know that if you call the cops on some one or in need of help you stand a chance of loosing your life in the process.