Suits is a very clever TV series that centers around the lives of lawyers in a certain law firm. The story focuses mainly though on an accidental recruit who is hired by a law firm after a drug deal gone wrong. The problem though is that he's not a lawyer but he has extraordinary memory wherein he can memorize outright the things that he reads. Oh heck, I'm not good at previews or summaries. What I really want to say is that it's a great show. Any others here who are into Suits too?
I agree that Suits is a brilliant show and I love it but I have to say that I started watching the show only because I find Harvey Specter super hot.
Lol. I thought so. It's always the gruff, take no crap lawyer who gets the girl. What about Mike Ross? Don't you find him hot too? Anyways, I do hope that this series would go on and on and on for a very long time. The characters are so loveable and the script is so brilliant that I just don't want the show to end. Man, I think Harvey is even getting through my manliness.
I like this show. I watched the first episode, got hooked, and watched the whole season. At the time, no other seasons were released yet, though, so I had no choice but to stop. I'm planning on picking up the box set someday when I have more time to spend on leisure.
I am totally into suits. However, I have not been able to watch for a few months due to job change. The best part of suits is how the plots are always changing and you just never know when Mike Ross is going to be exposed for not dropping out of law school, although it is amazing how many people at the firm know the truth, but for various reasons have to keep his secret. Another great twist is the strong black lawyer managing partner Jessica Pearson. She is hard as nails and really knows her business. This is one of the best written shows on currently.
Yeah, that's one of the things that make the show compelling. But with regards to the secret of Mike, more and more people are getting to know of his secret. The latest episode of Season 3 finished with Luis Litt finding out that Mike Ross isn't in the record of Harvard law graduates. I can't wait to see what would happen next. Would Luis use this against Mike and Harvey? Will it increase their bond?