Every blue moon, I get acne. For this reason, I don't keep acne products in my home. Yet, as anyone would guess, I hate waiting for these unsightly bumps to heal and go away. Does anyone know of any home remedies for acne? (Stuff I can use around The House.)
Try avocado. You can find easy avocado masks online, but avocado benefits the skin in a number of ways. Avocados are filled with vitamin A which helps purging off any dead skin cells. The glutamine amino acid present in avocados cleanses your skin and offers it enough protection against harsh environmental factors. (Log In) Be patient & Good luck!
I've never tried it but people who've used it say it works. Try "Apple Cider Vinegar Toner." This is how you get it fixed. Oh, fine, it's a link to an article but well, just follow it: Log In
I don't know if you would consider this a "home remedy", but tea tree oil is absolutely effective for acne. You can buy it in drugstores or supermarkets (I always get mine from Trader Joe's, if you have it where you live), it's really cheap and great to use as an astringent for your face to clear it from acne and also to fade dark spots.