An All Vegan Diet Is Much Healthier and Much Cheaper

Discussion in Food & Drink started by chajaja0714 • Aug 26, 2014.

  1. chajaja0714

    chajaja0714New Member

    Aug 26, 2014
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    From what I've experienced so far with being a vegan, it's really hard to find really unhealthy vegan foods. Yes we have Oreos and potato chips, but those aren't necessarily bad for you. The real bad thing for you is the quantity at which you eat them, since they're so high in fat and salt. When you're looking for really vegan things to eat, such as replacement meat products, fruits, and veggies, you'll find that with what you would have been spending on two steaks, you've just spent on a week's worth of food for two people.

    Something that I've actually notices a lot more recently, actually, is that buying organic at stores like Walmart tends to not really mean anything. Since the word organic can mean so many different things throughout the food industry, I wouldn't ever trust the organic foods myself since they're usually a little more expensive.

    After just two months of being a vegan I've saved over $200 on food, and I've actually gotten a lot more energy (I was previously a vegetarian, so I just gave up dairy). Something that people don't usually know about non-vegan foods, is that they really slow down your metabolism and make it harder for your body to separate the good and the bad nutrients, so eating more veggies and fruits will make your metabolism speed up way more and you'll actually lose fat a lot more easily if you're looking to lose weight.

    Now, some may argue that vegans don't get enough protein because they don't eat meat, or that they don't get this and they don't get that because they don't consume dairy and animal products. The truth is, all of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you can get out of consuming animal products, you can get 1000% more out of eating an all vegan diet. I get all the protein I need just by eating beans, seeds, and nuts. If you're wanting to spend a lot less on groceries or you're wanting to maybe get a little more in shape, I'd recommend going on an all vegan diet. Do your research and get the really healthy things and you'll be happy you did it. Don't listen to all the neigh-sayers who just want any reason to say no to veganism. It's worth it.

    Anyone have any personal experiences with veganism they'd like to share or have any questions I can answer?
  2. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    I agree! I know it's not for everyone and it can be especially hard for those who don't eat properly as it is, so I wouldn't recommend it immediately to someone.. maybe work their way towards it. There are so many health benefits to eating a vegan diet (plant based.. not going down a different isle to get your unhealthy cookies. Garbage is garbage). As for protein.. nobody has ever died from a protein deficiency lol. Not that I know of anyway.. it's not the problem meat eaters make it out to be. You get everything you need on a plant based diet, and more. b12 seems to be an issue for a lot of people, but it's an issue for almost everyone.. not just vegans who actually might have a better shot at not being deficient because we eat more veggies that weren't sterilized in a factory first.

    Not to mention, we're not contributing to the atrocious treatment and slaughter of the animals raised by such a filthy, deplorable industry. That alone should be enough for anyone to want to give up meat or at the very least, find a better source. You're not getting what you think you are by the time it hits your plate.