I have more than one account on Twitter (personal and work) and I find that the actual Twitter app is particularly bad when it comes to switching accounts. I've tried Echofon and Tweetcaster, but I've found issues with both of them too. Does anyone have any other suggestions I could try? Thanks.
What platform are you using? I was fine with echofon on ios, but I no longer have an Apple device, and it's not the greatest on Android. I also have multiple accounts and switch among them often, and I haven't found an app that does that well on Android. As you said, the Twitter app itself isn't good, which is why I sought out something else on Apple. I was very happy with how echofon functioned on Apple ios, but am still looking for something that will work for me. I have tried others, but still haven't found one that does what I need it to do well.
I use Echofon and Tweetcaster on iOS, and Peregrine on Windows at the moment. I didn't like Echofon on Android either, although I no longer have the Android and have a Windows phone instead now. The part that annoys me about Echofon is that you can't send images in direct message from Echofon, and have to switch to Twitter to send them. The notifications are also annoying when they keep coming up in the middle of the screen. I'd rather they came up at the top like other apps but that doesn't appear to be an option. They're either off, or they come up in the middle of the screen. I've never used the app myself, but I've seen others use TwitPane which I think is an Android app though if that's any good for you?
Nothing can beat twitter in my opinion. I switch to between two different twitter accounts too and i really make sure i'm on the right account before i tweet something because then i'll be screwed. One account is for personal use and other is fangirling. lmao
Thanks, @cocolgooh , I'll check into TwitPane. I use Twitter all of the time, and really prefer to have an entirely different app specifically for business. As @obliviousme mentioned, I use my various accounts for different things, and I surely don't want to be spouting about politics or The Bachelor on my shop account .