Hey everyone! So, I've been doing yoga off and on for several years. Last year, I finally persuaded my mom to give it a try. She wanted me to prepare her with basic yoga positions before joining a group class. So, I taught her a few moves and she loved it. And that got me thinking of getting a yoga teacher's certificate. Do any of you know of a school, workshop, or teacher that offers training at an affordable price? Scholarships?
Affordable? No, actually. Most yoga teacher training that I've ever heard of was nothing short of a few thousand dollars. Of course, I imagine it's worth it if you plan to make money as a teacher, similar to getting a degree in a college. I think you may just have to save your pennies for this one.
Correct. There is no cheaper way to get a certificate. But then, it is like an investment. Invest now in the training, go to a reputable teacher or a reputable yoga school. The certificate you are holding will dictate the fee you will be asking from your clients later on. Your investment will finally grow from there. I hope you are getting my drift. Just do not mind the cost on learning first, for once you make a career out of it, all that money you spent in training will be returned to you not just twice, but even thrice fold.