So I'm doing a weightlifting program for the summer, and I am looking for a way to reduce the number of trips I make to the gym. So here's the question? Is it worth it to invest in those weights that have adjustable weights or is it better to just buy a bunch of different dumbbells?
I am using adjustable weights and the only downside is you lose a lot of time changing the weight for different exercises. My advice is buy a bunch of dumbbells on which you can adjust the weight.
I have seen a type of weight on the internet where you click onto the ball of weight with your handle and so it would not take as much time as the traditional weights that you can adjust. I think if you were a traveler this would be a better option. But if you are a person who works out in the same location such as home, all the time, then I think having at least 4 different weights would be best.
Thanks for the input. I do in fact travel a bit and don't have much space in my primary residence, which is only temporary, so I think I will invest in the adjustable weights. Hopefully as I settle down I can find more permanent options.
As a fitness instructor I personally would go with the adjustable weights. You can do a lot of different kinds of super-sets, which will help you drastically with mass gaining. Especially using them for free form weight lifting. You don't always have to go to the gym to get in shape. I am also a landscaper and I get most of my lean workout by landscaping. Don't forget to use your body as a tool to build a better physique. If you can't do 10 consecutive push ups, by all means practice. This body workout alone will help prepare your body better than some weight lifting machines ever built. All in all, it's easier to workout at home if you know what to do. My tips are to use your body weight, and any laying around weight, get creative.
I hate how large and wide they are. Regular sets take up more room overall, but its worth it. Trying to do shoulder shrugs with stacked barbells is really hard.
I think adjustable weights are better. Just because you get more bang for your buck. Obviously I prefer overall just going to the gym because the atmosphere is better and there is better equipment but when a friend asks about weights I always say if you can get adjustable ones because hindsight if in a couple months you surpass a certain weight but don't have the next step up you lost out and it feels like a waste.
Have the adjustable weights. They are easier to manage and of course they occupy less space when you are going to stash them. So I would suggest that go for them and not buy un-adjustable ones of different sizes.
Going with the adjustable ones is a no-brainer in my opinion... But like lionzfire122 said, you gotta know what you're doing. Otherwise you'll accomplish nothing but getting hurt. For me, I like the gym just fine