I discovered this little tip online. When I bought my last car it was in good condition apart from the little spoiler on the back which had faded paintwork. I found a youtube video which showed how to make it look new again. You just wipe a little automatic transmission fluid over the faded area and it brings it up really shiny again! It isn't permanent and needs reapplying every 2-3 weeks but it really is worth knowing.
I think that sounds interesting, but I would want a more permanent solution. Well, for one thing, fixing the paint every two weeks is too much of a hassle and it's easy to forget to do it. In that case, why not just look for ways to get a bargain paint job? In fact, you might even find it's cheaper to simply do it yourself.
Well it only takes a few seconds as it's quite a small area and it does bring it up like new. I really don't think I would risk doing a paint job myself although I have considered it in the past. It would be so permanent if I messed up