Saving money is a fact of life today. Stretching the dollar causes some of us to buy generic or store brand items. What is the one name brand item that you will not give up quality to save a buck? Dish washing liquid!! I prefer Dawn or Palmolive, but any name brand is far superior to any generic or store brand I have found, and I have tried them all. The generic and store brands are thinner in consistency and the suds do not last. I will say that the generic and store brand works wonderful to wash your vinyl siding. But keep it out of the kitchen.
I agree with you about the dishwashing liquid. When you buy the off brand stuff, you end up using more because it doesn't make suds or cut grease. It's a better investment to buy the concentrated Dawn that you only need a couple of drops of, than to buy the dollar store stuff that you have to use a ton of.
That's interesting. In my experience generic dish soap is just as good. I find that sometimes I have to use a little lemon or vinegar to help cut through grease but I have the same experience with name brand detergents.
Heinz Ketchup. It has to be Heinz for me or nothing. I don't even know what other brand names are other than Heinz to tell you the truth. On another note I pay the extra for Bailey's Irish Cream rather than saving a buck or three on the knock off brands. I also make my own to mix with my coffee but when I buy it, I buy Bailey's.
Ah, yes! I have never thought of that but I am the same way! Lol. Actually for me, most foods have to be name brand. At least most of them have a good reputation and I "trust" them, whereas generics may not. I will buy generic brands for other things where I think that I'll be getting "the same thing".
Smucker's Natural Peanut Butter - every other one I've tried has no flavor, even the stuff you grind on the spot at farmer's markets. They must toast the peanuts real well or something, because it also has a darker color to it.
Definitely Dawn, hands down. Toilet paper is another one. And feminine products, too. The generics tend to fall apart or don't do nearly as good a job and I would rather pay for the quality there. Oh, and mayonnaise, too. Give me the Hellmann's.
After buying several generic brands and brand name household items, I prefer generic brands because they work just as well for my household. One item I purchase that is not a generic brand is toilet paper anything else is normally a generic brand.
Heinz ketchup and soda are on the top of my list. Most of my 'name brand' preferences are that of the food variety.
I think the only thing I must buy name brand is instant coffee. I can't stand generic instant coffee. Nothing ruins your morning and consequently your whole day like a bad cup of coffee.