Considering how inflation is up and the cost of groceries just get more expensive, a grocery gift card would be a lovely gift to receive. Unfortunately, it seems many people frown upon this idea as it's a sack of coal. I personally believe it would be tremendous because it would save some money on groceries and perhaps I can treat myself and my family to a nice meal (say, pesto crusted lamp with sweet potato mash and asparagus). Would you hate it if you woke up Christmas morning and someone gave you a gift card to your local grocery store?
Yes it is a good idea but you are also correct that not all is expecting to receive this kind of gift. However I would chhose this over some material things to receive on chirstmas because sometimes what my friends give me is something that I hate so would rather do the groceries that receiving something that will just piss me off! :x
If someone gave me a gift card to a grocery store I would be ecstatic! In fact, I think I have actually received a few of these in the past. Of course, it was probably someone who knew me and knew that I would really appreciate it. I'm not a big "gift person" and I don't really expect or need/want most of the gifts I get. Practical items win me over every time, though. If I have a grocery gift card, I continue to coupon as I normally would. This stretches out the gift card even more and allows for additional savings. In fact, any time I get a gift card that I can also use coupons with - I do!
I would love to get a grocery gift card. I think it's a very practical gift. I would especially love a gift card for Trader Joe's. That's for my sister when she's reading this forum. Wink, wink. I don't know why people frown upon getting gift cards. I just love them.
Personally, I would love it. There are only certain people I would give it to, though. Some people might take offense that I was gifting them a grocery though to say that they aren't able to afford to feed their own families or are too poor, etc. There are a few people who would really, really appreciate getting this kind of gift instead of a gift they don't need or want, though.
I think that a grocery gift card would be a good idea. I would prefer a grocery gift card rather than a gift card to a restaurant because you can make a meal a lot more affordable and for the whole family. You could spend $50 for a family at a restaurant or you could spend $20 on a meal at a grocery store for your entire family. A little goes a long way when you buy the ingredients at a store yourself.
I would love that! Even if it's a small amount I would love it more than the standard slippers and pj pants that I always get. I'd rather have that $20 grocery store gift card. I could use coupons with it and make it go a long way. This is a great gift idea!
I view presents as somethign people wouldn't ordinarily buy themselves. So I don't like to get or receive 'practical' gifts. Therefore, grocery gift cards aren't high on my list, I prefer a gift card to go out to eat or something.
Personally I would love it. I get Walmart and Target gift cards occasionally, and I almost always use them for necessities. Our grocery actually sells a huge assortment of gift cards to other retailers, everything from home improvement to spas. A gift card to the grocery could be used for almost anything in that case.
This may seem ridiculous, but it would depend on who gave it to me. If I thought the person was purposefully trying to insult me then I would not like it. If someone like, say, my sister did it, it would be probably meant as a tounge-in-cheek insult. (She bought me a personal shaver one year to insinuate that I was too hairy, for example.) If I thought it was meant as a generic or kind of thoughtful gift, then I'd love it. For example, the community center where my husband frequents often gives out target and pathmark gift cards as prizes for games. If they gave him one as a Christmas gift, I'd think it very sweet of them.
I think situations like Parker's, where she would love to get a Trader Joe's gift card because she loves to shop there, makes things like grocery store cards a great gift. If you know that someone loves to cook and likes to try out new ingredients, they may love a gift card to a nice, snazzy restaurant, but they may like it even better if you got a gift card to a grocery store (with a card that included a funky recipe to try!). It shows that you care about them, about their hobbies, and you want them to use your money in a way that makes them happy.
I wouldn't give this as a gift to someone who has a lot of money, that's for sure. They would toss it in the drawer and forget about it, so why bother? As for me I would definitely like to receive and use a grocery store gift card. Food is so darn expensive these days that I wouldn't turn my nose up to it. I work at a grocery store and we sell gift cards. Come January every year we have a lot of people cashing them in and on the most part they seem happy with their gift.
I'm surprised by most of the responses. It's great to hear that a lot of people would like to get one for Christmas. I made this suggestion to my wife and she didn't like the idea at all because she feels gifts should be just like what MakingCents said. I understand the rationale behind, but in this tight economy, it's important to be practical. Hope everyone gets what they want for Christmas!
I would LOVE a grocery gift card. It would be a very thoughtful and useful gift. For some, just coming up with the budget for food each month can be difficult, so it would ease their burden for at least a month. For others, it would give them an excuse to splurge on some 'luxury' food or special treat. I think it's a great idea, and (if it's for someone who knows how to cook) goes a lot further than a similarly priced restaurant gift card.
I agree with this statement. People like my mother would be excited, she always has to watch what she buys at the grocery store, but I know some of my friend would be either annoyed or offended. I would like to get one! I'm broke almost always, so being able to buy myself decent food would be wonderful.
I don't know about others but i would love a gift card for food. I like home things i'm a home maker so if it has to do with cooking or for my home i'm a happy camper. I asked for a new vaccum cleaner this year ha ha.
A gift card to the grocery store is acceptable. Things have gotten so expensive in the store a gift certificate would allow me to get more items that I normally would not get. I agree that if I have a choice between a gift certificate for something I don't need or want I would prefer a grocery store gift card.
I think it's a great idea! I would personally love to receive a grocery gift card. Very practical, very helpful.